Frequently Asked Questions

What is a university book series? 

A university book series refers to a collection of books that are published under the umbrella of a university. These series are often focused on specific themes or topics, and they are typically intended to contribute to scholarly research and knowledge production.

Does Texas Woman’s University (TWU) have its own press?

No. TWU does not have its own press. Our book series partners with Texas A&M University Press (TAMUP) for the publication of its books. TAMUP actively manages the publication process. Books developed as part of the book series are passed on to TAMUP for internal consideration, external peer review, contract negotiation, editorial guidance, copyediting, proofreading, design and layout, production, marketing and promotion, and distribution.

What kind of books is the TWU book series seeking?

We seek monographs, edited collections, theoretical analyses, biographies, memoirs, historical and contemporary studies, and illustrated volumes of visual art or photography related to women’s intellectual leadership and matters affecting the lives of women.

What is the overarching theme or focus of the book series?

This interdisciplinary book series explores knowledge, creativity, inventions, and discoveries shaped by women and women’s experiences in fields such as the arts, sciences, spirituality, religion, politics, business, education, the military, health sciences, and community service.

What is the book series’ intended readership?

The book series is intended to appeal to a diverse readership encompassing both academic and nonacademic audiences. This inclusive approach ensures that the content is not only rigorous and intellectually stimulating for scholars but also accessible and compelling for a wider audience.

Are the books in the series standalone or interconnected?

Books in the series are standalone.

How can authors submit proposals to the book series?

Please review our book proposal guidelines.

What types of academic disciplines or fields does the book series cover?

The book series is interdisciplinary.

Is there a particular style or format that authors should follow when submitting manuscripts?

Please follow the standards of the Chicago Manual of Style, current edition.

Do you accept multiple submissions?

We recommend that you be transparent with the book series. In general, the answer to this question hinges on the current stage of your proposal. If you're in the early stages of your manuscript, we welcome your proposal even if it's concurrently under consideration by other publishers. However, once we've accepted your proposal and your completed manuscript has been submitted to our publishing partner, Texas A&M University Press, you must withdraw your submission from other publishers. This decision is based on the significant costs, both in terms of finances and time, associated with peer reviews and editorial tasks.

How much money will I earn from my book?

Typically, earnings from academic books published by university presses are modest.

How do you ensure a broad range of perspectives and representation in the topics and authors featured in the series?

We are committed to fostering a broad range of perspectives and representation in our book series. We seek contributions from authors with diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. We encourage submissions that explore a wide range of topics and we aim to represent a variety of voices.

Are there opportunities for student involvement or contributions to the book series?

We actively solicit book proposals and chapter contributions from university students.

Why publish with a university book series?

The decision to publish through a university book series depends on your goals, the nature of your research, and your target audience. Publishing with a university book series offers academic credibility, rigorous peer review, access to a targeted readership, and focused marketing and promotion. University book series can also offer support for emerging scholars.

Does the book series recommend books for prospective authors?

Yes. We recommend:

  • The Book Proposal Book: A Guide for Scholarly Authors by Laura Portwood-Stacer. This book is an informative and supportive guide for authors creating book proposals.
  • The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition.
    This book is an invaluable resource for scholarly publishing.
  • Germano, William. Getting It Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious Books.

Page last updated 2:59 PM, May 2, 2024