Book Proposal Guidelines

Under the guidance of the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership, the Texas Woman’s University Pioneering Women: Leaders and Trailblazers book series is an interdisciplinary book series that explores innovative knowledge, creativity, and discoveries shaped by women and women’s experiences in fields such as the arts, sciences, spirituality, religion, politics, business, education, the military, health sciences, and community service.

The book series seeks monographs, edited collections, theoretical analyses, biographies, memoirs, historical and contemporary studies, and illustrated volumes of visual art or photography related to women’s intellectual leadership and matters affecting the lives of women. We define “intellectual leadership” broadly, to include both visionary and practical dimensions as well as the ability to inspire, influence, and guide individuals or groups toward achieving common goals and objectives.

The Texas Woman’s University book series is a sponsoring institute for Texas A&M Press. Books developed as part of the Texas Woman’s University book series are passed on to Texas A&M Press for peer review.

If you would like your book project to be considered for publication as part of the Pioneering Women: Leaders and Trailblazers book series, respond to the following book proposal prompts and email your book proposal to Dr. AnaLouise Keating, book series General Editor and Professor, Multicultural Women’s & Gender Studies, at

Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition notes and bibliography style guide preferred.

  • Working title of book
  • Name, email, and telephone number
  • Description of your book
    • book’s purpose and scope
    • book’s contribution and connection to existing literature (including, especially, recent academic literature)
    • book’s uniqueness, innovativeness
  • To what audience/s does your book appeal?
  • How does your book fit the mission of this book series?
  • Anticipated word count and completion date
  • Illustrations or photographs? (If so, will you have copyright permission?)
  • Please provide a tentative table of contents
  • Please provide brief chapter outlines
  • Please provide a writing sample from proposed book (2,500 word minimum)
  • Please provide contact information for at least three potential reviewers who have expertise in your book’s field (to preserve the integrity of peer review, we ask that you do not notify your suggested reviewers). Ideally, the reviewers will be academics with published books.
  • CV, résumé, or biography

Page last updated 12:50 PM, May 29, 2024