Advisory Committee

The SMMC Advisory Committee is composed of faculty and staff representatives from all three TWU campuses. Each member brings valuable experience and insight regarding the financial challenges of our students and the university system which support strategic thinking in the continued development and growth of an effective student money management center.

Committee members are enthusiastic about financial education and how it impacts student success. They offer advice and guidance, develop recommendations, assist with implementing the SMMC’s strategic plan, advocate for the center, increase its internal and external visibility, and support a culture of continuous improvement.

Members are appointed for one-year terms and may serve up to three consecutive terms (after the inaugural committee year of 2020-21). There should always be a representative from the Office of Financial Aid from each campus and a representative from the Spend Well Committee on the SMMC Advisory Committee. If these representatives are consistently the same people, term limitations do not apply. The SMMC full-time staff also serve as committee members without term limitations.

The advisory committee meets a minimum of twice a semester during the academic year.

2024-25 SMMC Advisory Committee

swipe to see the full table

Member Department Role Location
Won Seok Choi MAK College of Business and Entrepreneurship Faculty Denton
Stephany Compton Library, Spend Well Committee Staff Denton
Chalese Connors Student Money Management Center Staff Denton
Brandi Felderhoff School of Social Work, Psychology & Philosophy Faculty Denton
Nerissa Gillum Human Development, Family Studies & Counseling Faculty Denton
Molly Koerner Academic Advising, College of Business Staff Denton
Jennifer Lewis Office of Financial Aid Staff Houston
Yuree Lim MAK College of Business and Entrepreneurship Faculty Denton
Tegan Manders University Housing & Dining Staff Denton
Gabrielle Pringle Onwunaka Student Money Management Center Staff Denton
He Ren MAK College of Business and Entrepreneurship Faculty Denton
Mary Rosene Academic Assessment and Accreditation Staff Denton
Jeffrey Scott (Fall term) Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships Staff Denton
Taylor Tate Enrollment Services (One Stop) Staff Dallas
Lacey Thompson (Spring term) Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships Staff Denton
Elizabeth Whitley Honors Program Staff Denton
Scott Wright Graduate School Staff Denton

Page last updated 12:01 PM, January 22, 2025