Project Management

Project Information Request (PIF)


To request a general price point for the scope of work described in order to better identify funding issues. This request comes before the Project Request Form to provide departments with generic pricing information for preliminary budgeting purposes before requesting a project to be implemented.

When to use

This is the first step for many projects and is appropriate when a department needs to obtain pricing.  PIFs are also used for approval of space use changes, furniture and permanent signage of less than 30K, and for feasibility reviews and preliminary design estimates.

Submit a Project Information Request

Project Request Form (PRF)


To initiate design, formal estimating, and implementation services for project requests. "Projects involve multiple trades and have a cost that exceeds $5,000.00."

When to use

After a department has obtained pricing from the FMC PIF cycle, has identified a funding source, and is ready to launch their project. Please note that the budget amount and account (or note on fund source) is required on PRFs.

Submit a Project Request

Capital (CAP) Project


To formally submit a Capital (CAP) Project into the Capital Planning Process for prioritization by University Leaders. A CAP Project is any request for University funds that exceeds the amount set forth by Vice President for Finance and Administration ('VPFA:') on an annual basis. These funds may be used for facilities renovations, equipment, software, etc. Please refer to URP: 04.570 for information on the Capital Planning Policy.

When to use

A department or College may submit a Capital (CAP) request in response to the official Annual Call for Projects from the VP for Finance and Administration.

Submit a Capital Project Request

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please email or call (940) 898-3137.

Additional information on the Project requests and process is available on the FMC Knowledge Base.

Page last updated 10:16 AM, March 9, 2023