Post-Bachelor's Initial Teacher Certification-Only

For candidates who did not pursue teacher certification as an undergraduate but hold at least a bachelor's degree, the Department of Teacher Education offers a post-bachelor’s certification-only program. This minimum 21 semester credit hour program, which leads to teacher certification, is offered totally online except for the clinical practice component required by the Texas Education Agency. Courses from the certification-only route may be applied to a master's degree program, such as the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), if students are interested in a graduate degree.

Program of Study and Admission Requirements

Post-Bachelor's Initial Teacher Certification Plan (Min. of 21 hours)


Colleges and universities recommend individuals for teacher certification, but certification is granted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Requirements for initial teacher certification in Texas include earning a baccalaureate degree, completing an approved educator preparation program, passing a minimum of two examinations — one in content and one that covers instruction and professional responsibilities (Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility exams) — and being recommended by an approved educator preparation program.

The teacher certification process in Texas is an online system; paper applications are not accepted. Please note: It is your responsibility to apply for certification through TEA. It cannot be initiated by the university. This should be done toward the end of your final semester in the Master of Arts in Teaching program, just prior to graduation.

PBITC Certification Options

Contact Us

Master of Arts in Teaching
Stoddard Hall 115
PO Box 425769
Denton TX 76204-5796
940-898-2829 (phone)
940-898-2270 (fax)

Page last updated 1:22 PM, March 21, 2025