From Finance & Administration

Spring 2022 COVID-19 Testing Availability (Jan. 14, 2022)

Texas Woman’s will offer several COVID-19 testing options for faculty, staff and students in the spring 2022 semester.

Dallas and Houston

Rapid testing kits will be available on Dallas and Houston campuses within the next two weeks. Each kit contains two tests and may be picked up in person at the Student Life offices. A notice will be sent out when kits are available. To pick up a kit, please be prepared to show a valid TWU ID and complete a log sheet. Kits will be limited to one box per person per day. If you feel you will be unable to secure a test from a local provider in your area due to shortages, you may pick up a COVID-19 test before you exhibit symptoms. Please do not come to campus if you feel ill or are exhibiting symptoms.

If your test returns a positive result, please complete TWU’s COVID-19 Reporting Form for contact tracing purposes and follow quarantine protocols.  


Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 18, COVID-19 vaccinations will be available at Brackenridge Hall’s Garden Room from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday. Testing will continue at Brackenridge Hall through the end of the month while testing supplies last, although days and hours may vary based on demand. 

Drive-through testing will be available in the Lowry Woods parking lot beginning the week of Jan. 17. Dates and times will be posted on TWU’s coronavirus website

If at any time you receive a positive result, please complete TWU’s COVID-19 Reporting Form for contact tracing purposes and follow quarantine protocols

Please be mindful of your health, self-screen, and get tested if you are experiencing symptoms or if you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past three to five days.

Members of the TWU community are encouraged to get the vaccine booster if eligible, as this is particularly important with the current Omicron variant. Also, as a reminder, TWU still strongly recommends wearing masks indoors when around others.

With your continued vigilance, we will get through this together.

Carolyn A. Kapinus, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Jason Tomlinson
Vice President for Finance and Administration

TWU COVID-19 Proactive Testing Program (August 20, 2021)

TWU Community,

Monitoring the health of our campus community is important in the fight against COVID-19. In addition to asking you to wear masks indoors while on campus and continuing our contract tracing activities, Texas Woman’s is in the process of launching a COVID-19 Proactive Testing Program that will start in the coming weeks. Information about the start date and testing process is forthcoming. The rapid antigen tests will entail shallow nasal swabs rather than those that are inserted deeply into the nasal passage.

The program will require all TWU employees and currently enrolled students on all three campuses to be tested weekly for COVID-19 at an on-campus testing location. Non-residential students exclusively enrolled in 100% online courses and employees who fully telecommute will be exempt, as will students, faculty and staff who submit proof of vaccination. Residential students who submit proof of vaccination will be exempt; those who do not will be required to participate regardless of the modality of their courses. 

As we prepare for the official launch of this program we are beginning the process of confirming the vaccination status and reviewing exemptions of our current students and employees. Vaccinated students should follow the instructions on the Student Health Services website and upload their vaccination status as soon as possible. TWU faculty and staff should complete this online form that will allow them to submit their proof of vaccinations. Employees who were vaccinated by Student Health Services will still need to submit proof of vaccination via the form link above. Employees should not submit their vaccination status information to Student Health Services.

All of these COVID-19 monitoring and prevention efforts are part of TWU’s Community of Immunity Challenge to create a safe and healthy environment for all. This initiative rewards students, faculty and staff for reaching vaccination rates of 70%, 80% and 90%. All members of the TWU community will have the opportunity to be selected for the prizes “unlocked” at the various levels. Student prizes will include scholarships, parking permits, meals, event tickets and technology such as laptops or tablets. Employees qualify for awards such as employee meal plans, parking permits and a private meal with the Chancellor.

Thank you for your support of these initiatives. We look forward to a great start of the fall semester.

Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration, and
Monica Mendez-Grant, Ed.D., Vice President for Student Life

COVID-19 Updates and Reminders (February 1, 2021)

Dear TWU community,

We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with some updates regarding new international travel requirements, as well as a reminder of the COVID-19 preventative measures that are still in place.

Quarantine Following Any International Travel

  • Individuals travelling internationally (by any method including private vehicle) are now required to quarantine when the return.
  • All TWU employees and students will need to report international travel using the COVID-19 reporting form.
  • There are two post-travel quarantine options:
    • Quarantine for 10 days after travel, and practice social distancing from individuals in high risk categories for 14 days.
    • Quarantine for 7 days after travel AND get tested 3-5 days after travel. Quarantine must last for at least 7 days even if the test is negative, and also practice social distancing from individuals in high risk categories for 14 days.

International Air Travel Restrictions

  • All U.S.-bound airline passengers ages 2 and above must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within three days of travel to the airline prior to boarding.
    • This includes U.S. citizens returning from abroad, and those who have already been vaccinated.
    • Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous three months do not have to be retested. Instead, they can provide the airline documentation of the previous positive test and a note from a health care provider stating that they have recovered and are cleared for travel.

COVID-19 Preventive Measures

  • Maintaining social distance from others is still the most important action you can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and help protect the TWU community.
  • Face coverings are still required to be worn at all times indoors, with some limited exceptions. Please refer to the TWU coronavirus website for specific guidelines on the types of face coverings that are most effective.
  • It is critical that individuals stay home if they have any potential COVID-19 symptoms, and report any symptoms or positive test results immediately using the COVID-19 reporting form.

Even though COVID-19 vaccines are now becoming available, we have entered the most precarious phase of the pandemic. We appreciate your help in keeping the TWU community safe by following the above guidelines.

Thank you,

Jason Tomlinson
Vice President for Finance and Administration

COVID-19 Preventable Measures (November 5, 2020)

TWU Faculty and Staff,

As the holidays approach and this most challenging of semesters draws to a close, I hope this message finds everyone safe and in good health. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of the current COVID-19 preventative measures TWU has implemented to protect students, faculty, and staff. Ensuring the safety of the TWU community will require all of us to adapt to the “new normal” for the foreseeable future.

Reporting if you are sick or exposed

If you have tested positive or are experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19 (see below), or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive or is symptomatic, you must not come to work until cleared by Risk Management. In addition, faculty, staff, and students must report COVID-19 symptoms or exposure via an online form. Faculty or supervisors who are aware of a student or employee who meets the above criteria do not need to complete the form, but rather may email

COVID-19 symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache

Seek medical care immediately for the following symptoms:

  • Trouble breathing 
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

In-person events/meetings

All in-person meetings or events require approval from the appropriate Vice President, regardless of the size of the group. Requests to have in-person events or meetings must be submitted via an online form<>. The only exception are courses approved by Academic Affairs.

Face coverings

Face coverings are required:

  • In all buildings (with some limited exceptions)
  • In classrooms for both faculty and students
  • Outside if within six feet of another person

Complete this request form if you need disposable face coverings.

Social distancing:

Whenever possible; faculty, staff, and students should maintain a six foot distance from other individuals. Doing so reduces the chance that you will be exposed to COVID-19, even if wearing a face covering.

COVID-19 testing:

Free testing for faculty, staff, and students is occurring on campus on the following dates:

  • November 2nd - 6th
  • November 16th - 20th
  • November 30th - December 4th
  • Additional January dates to be announced

There are no requirements to get tested; it is open to all TWU faculty, staff, and students regardless of symptoms or potential exposures.

It is critical that faculty, staff, and students comply with these requirements even if they don’t feel sick or are not concerned about becoming sick. We have a responsibility to protect the most vulnerable in the TWU community as well as our family members. The TWU community has done an exceptional job controlling the spread of the pandemic on campus and within the broader community. We ask that you continue the great work we have done so far, and as we return from the holiday breaks.

Thank you,

Jason Tomlinson
Vice President for Finance and Administration

Pioneers Protecting Pioneers (August 25, 2020 at 1:42 pm)

To All TWU Faculty & Staff:

Facilities Management and Construction (FMC) welcomes everyone back to Texas Woman’s University for the Fall 2020 semester.  In order for our students, faculty and staff to have the most productive and engaging semester possible, FMC has worked tirelessly with our Environmental Health and Safety department to ensure all spaces are managed and maintained with safety in mind.  Here are some quick notes of what FMC has accomplished during our preparations for this semester.

FMC has modified our cleaning schedules and products to ensure they are CDC approved.  FMC has also trained and worked with consultants to improve our indoor air quality with modifications to our HVAC systems where possible.  Perhaps most importantly, FMC has procured and distributed a large number of hand sanitizer dispensers and spray bottles, filled with the same CDC approved disinfectant, for ALL Pioneers to use.  (Over 400 hand sanitizer stations and 2,000 spray bottles!)

These hand sanitizer stations and spray bottles have been placed in all public areas of our TWU buildings, along with paper towels and refill stations providing each of us the ability to sanitize our spaces and surfaces prior to and after any contact or activities.

We hope that all can embrace this personal responsibility and FMC encourages everyone to use these products in the spirit of “Pioneers Protecting Pioneers.”

Should you notice a depletion of supplies, be it hand sanitizer, hand soap, paper towels, disinfectant, refills, or other items, please contact FMC at (940) 898-3137 or place a work order, link found on our website. (Must be on campus to enter work order and preferably using Internet Explorer (IE).

Planning for our return (May 7, 2020)

Dear TWU Faculty and Staff,

I hope this message finds everyone safe and in good health. As we continue to navigate what may be the most significant public health and public policy challenges of our lifetime, balanced with guidance from the State of Texas and Governor Abbot, we would like to update the Texas Woman’s University community on our plans as we progress through the summer.

While classes will continue to be initially delivered digitally this summer, we anticipate gradually reintroducing face-to-face learning, starting with high touch areas such as clinicals, certain labs, and courses that involve skills that necessitate face-to-face learning. Academic Affairs is actively working to define what it means to be a digital residential campus, including setting the course delivery mix for Fall 2020.

In preparation of these plans, Dr. Feyten’s April 29 email announced a plan for TWU employees to return to campus, split into three phases:

  • Phase 1: Select departments will offer limited service beginning May 18 with the Bursar’s Office starting May 11 to facilitate the summer payment schedule.
  • Phase 2: Approximately a quarter of the staff will return on June 1.
  • Phase 3: Most employees will return to campus on July 1.

In preparation for Phase 1, we wanted to provide additional detail about how TWU is approaching the re-opening of our campuses while protecting the TWU community.

Returning to Campus

Before returning, you will be notified by your supervisor of your return date to campus. You cannot return to campus prior to supervisor approval. Access to campus buildings currently requires Vice President approval.

Additionally, employees will be required to complete a “reboarding” training prior to returning to campus. The online training will cover new procedures and guidelines, as well as community expectations, necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. You will receive instructions on how to complete this training in the coming days.


The best approach to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to reduce the chance of breathing in respiratory droplets from infected individuals. As a result, faculty, staff, and students will be required to adhere to prevention requirements developed in accordance with CDC guidelines, including:

  • Staying home if you or a household member is sick: If you or someone in your household is sick or is experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, you must not come to work. In addition, faculty, staff, and students must report COVID-19 symptoms or exposure via an online form. TWU will conduct contact tracing, which includes notification of individuals who you had contact with and informing them of the need to self-isolate for 14 days.
  • Maintaining 6-foot distance from individuals: Whenever possible; faculty, staff, and students should maintain a minimum six foot distance from other individuals. When this is not practical, TWU is implementing alternative approaches to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including the use of plexiglass shields and face coverings. During Phase 1, virtual meetings are still encouraged whenever possible.
  • Using plexiglass shields: Plexiglass shields can be installed in locations such as cashiers, service desks, and related customer/patron interactions take place, providing physical separation when maintaining a six foot distance is not possible. The purchase of these shields will be managed centrally, with approval of the appropriate Vice President.
  • Using face coverings: In other situations where maintaining social distance is not possible, using a cloth face covering will be required.
    • Those employees who cannot maintain social distance as a result of their job duties will be provided with reusable face coverings. Due to limited supplies, TWU will prioritize distribution to those employees who are in close proximity to others for significant periods of time.
    • All other employees, as well as students and visitors on campus should supply their own face covering if they will be within six feet of others.
    • For additional information on face covering use at TWU, including how to make your own, proper use, safe removal, and care instructions, see the TWU coronavirus face covering webpage.
  • Elevator and Stair Use: Elevator occupancy will be limited to facilitate social distancing. In addition, face coverings will be necessary if there is more than one person in the elevator car. If able, consider using the stairs to reduce elevator demand. Stairs may also be marked for one-way travel as well (other than in emergency circumstances).
  • Using hand hygiene: Employees are required to use hand sanitizer or wash their hands upon entering campus buildings, and frequently thereafter. The number of hand sanitizing stations on campus will be nearly doubled. Stations will be strategically placed at building entrances and other high traffic areas.

It is critical that faculty, staff, and students comply with these requirements even if they don’t feel sick or are not concerned about becoming sick. We have a responsibility to protect the most vulnerable in our community, and these measures are important steps we can take to limit the spread of this disease.

Enhanced Cleaning Protocols

Even prior to reducing operations on campus, TWU instituted enhanced cleaning protocols of high-touch surfaces in public areas in accordance with CDC guidelines.

Facilities Management has also invested in additional equipment and cleaning supplies in order to continue this enhanced cleaning as employees begin to return to campus.

Ensuring adequate sanitation will necessarily be a shared responsibility, requiring additional effort from employees to keep their areas clean. Additional supplies, such as spray bottles of disinfectant and paper towels, will be distributed to areas with high-touch surfaces such as service/reception areas where physical transactions are required, computer and teaching labs.

Employees Who Are Unable to Return

We recognize that some of our employees are in high-risk categories for infection with COVID-19, or live with or are caring for those in high-risk categories. In addition, some employees may not have child care available to them. Further guidance, as well as guidelines for requests to extend telecommuting arrangements, are under development.

TWU’s New Normal

Clearly, even when operations fully resume on campus, we will not be able to do some things in the same way we have in the past. Ensuring the safety of the TWU community will require all of us to adapt to a “new normal.”

We continue to actively monitor the situation and will adjust our plans for Phase 2 and Phase 3 in accordance with local, state, and federal guidelines to ensure your safety while continuing to meet the mission of the university. Details on the coming phases will be communicated in future emails.

We’d also like to reiterate that TWU-related travel is still suspended and that all departments must adhere to the previously-outlined COVID-19 Expenditure Guidance sent last month on April 13.

We appreciate everyone’s diligent work and innovation during the pandemic, and we’re looking forward to having everyone back on campus. If you have any questions regarding the return to campus, please email

Thank you,

Jason Tomlinson
Vice President for Finance and Administration

COVID-19 Expenditure Guidelines (April 13, 2020)

To TWU Faculty and Staff:

By now you have most likely seen the Chancellor’s directive to contain costs and freeze all non-essential expenditures. We are a state that relies heavily on proceeds from the oil industry and of course, sales tax. Both of these are down, and we do not yet know the extent of these declines. As the Chancellor stated, “it would be unrealistic not to expect some state budget challenges.” Now is not the time for alarm, it is just time to be practical. What we conserve now will make future challenges less painful.

Given the various payment options on a college campus and the varied types of expenditures, we will have to work together to conserve our resources. The key will be our willingness to be patient with one another as we provide ample communication while finding flexible solutions.

The Provost and I have developed the following guidelines. In general, any essential expenditure should be confirmed by the Vice President (VP) for your area.  Each VP will define the appropriate process for their organization.


  • All foreign and domestic travel continues to be suspended until further notice.
  • To reduce liability all air cards, coaches’ cards and recruiters’ cards have been inactivated.
  • Exceptions may be granted by either the Provost or Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA) in consultation with the Chancellor.


  • Both new and renewal contracts will be reviewed. Only contracts for critical items that are essential for ongoing operations will be executed. 

Purchase Orders (PO):

  • New Requisitions to be converted to Purchase Orders (PO) should only be for critical items that are essential for ongoing operations.
  • All requisitions must receive approval by email or in writing from the associated Vice President and must be attached to each requisition.
    • Requisitions related to contracts do not need this level of prior approval as contracts have already been approved by one or more VP.
  • To ensure expenses are charged to this current fiscal year budget:
    • Goods and/or services must be physically and systematically received in Phoenix no later than August 31, 2020.
    • Invoices from the vendor must be dated on or before August 31, 2020.
    • Any invoices or requisitions received after August 31, 2020 will be paid with fiscal year 2021 funds.

Procurement Cards (PCard):

  • We encourage you to evaluate how many PCards are in active use within your department. Should you not anticipate the need to use your PCard until normal TWU operations resume, please let Procurement know so the PCard can be temporarily inactivated.
  • PCard purchases should be managed to ensure property is tracked and tagged as necessary. If you have questions regarding which items are required to be tracked, please see TDClient/1956/Portal/KB/ ArticleDet?ID=104037 or email
  • Office supplies for remote operations should be managed prudently to ensure only mission critical functions are being addressed.
  • Procurement and Contract Services will review PCard activity for appropriateness.
  • PCard limits will be reduced to the following:
    • Single purchase limit to $500 individual cardholders — $1,000 department cardholders
    • Monthly total limit to $3,000 individual cardholders — $6,000 department cardholders
    • Reduced limits will not impact any anticipated refunds.
  • To ensure credit card purchases are charged to the current fiscal year budget, the following must be completed in August 2020:
    • All transactions must be reconciled in GCMS.
    • All transactions must be approved in GCMS.
    • All supporting documentation (Expense Report, Receipts, ATAs, Food Justification Forms, etc.) must be received in the Office of Procurement and Contract Services.
    • If any of those items are not completed, then the transactions will be paid with fiscal year 2021 funds.

Subscriptions, Registrations and Memberships:

  • Each VP will review the current list of subscriptions, registrations and memberships for their areas. Those which are not mission critical should be suspended.

Supplemental Tasks Payments (STP):

  • VPFA will review all STPs in consultation with the Provost and Vice Presidents.
  • VPFA will review the STP policy for any necessary revisions in consultation with the Chancellor’s Cabinet.

Budget Transfers:

  • Budget transfers except those related to payroll expenditures are suspended unless authorization for the transfer is approved by the appropriate VP.
  • For budget transfers required for personnel matters, the Budget Office will confirm VP approval and funding availability before processing.

Every effort should be made to ensure all purchases, regardless of method, are for essential items critical to the mission of Texas Woman’s University.

Finally, please know the Procurement team remains ready and able to support your sourcing needs. Given the team is working remotely, we ask that you forward all questions via Staff is monitoring incoming requests and will provide a timely response.

Thank you,

Jason Tomlinson
Vice President for Finance and Administration

Coronavirus ... and campus mail + central receiving/warehouse (March 23, 2020)

Greetings Faculty and Staff,                                         

Due to the University’s recent accommodations to allow more faculty and staff to work from home via telecommuting arrangements, there have been questions about Campus Mail and Warehouse (Central Receiving) services.

Given these unprecedented circumstances, we recognize that employees may attempt to continue normal operation from home, as well as with minimal staffing on campus. This means that questions may arise regarding metered postage and/or placing orders through Amazon, FedEx, UPS, etc…

As of 23 March 20, our Warehouse and Mail Services are still open, but will be operating on a skeleton crew.  

Campus Mail/Metered Postage - What does this mean to you?

  • We will continue to pick up the F/S mail that comes from the U.S. Post Office and place it in the usual departmental slots in the ACT mailroom. You will need your badge card to enter ACT; however, the mail room itself will remain unlocked so you can continue to bring mail (that needs campus postage) to be sent out.  We will not staff the mail room but will check on those items at intervals throughout the day.
  • If the department mail slot fills up, we will bring the items to the Central Receiving Warehouse on 1200 Frame Street Denton, TX 76204. We can arrange pickup with the requesting departments via email. (see contact list below)
  • If the department needs to send something Certified (see contact list below)
  • If the department needs to send something more than 5lbs, the standard will not change, as departments will need to make arrangements through FedEx or LoneStar Overnight.
  • Mail will still go out from the campus to the U.S. Post Office by the end of the day, each day.
  • Courier service to Dallas will stop as the building is officially closed.
  • Intercampus mailout (bulk mail) to Houston will only occur if Houston remains open. (Again, anything over 5 pounds needs to be sent from the department’s account with FedEx or LoneStar Overnight)

*(Reminder:  we need a return address on all mail parcels, along with the department so we can correctly IDT the postage. Items with incomplete information cannot be processed.)*

Questions about campus mail? Email Carol Horton (, Pamela Temple (  940.898.3161, or Dennis Hoebee, ( 940.898.3134 

Campus Warehouse/Central Receiving - What does this mean to you?

  • For the time period where employees are restricted from campus buildings, you may use the 1200 Frame Street, Denton TX 76204 for the delivery destination.  
  • Since the outside door to the warehouse will be locked, it will be necessary to make arrangements prior to coming out to pick up your items. (see contact list below)

Questions about Warehouse/Central Receiving? Contact Travis Koerner ( 940.898.3145, Pamela Temple (  940.898.3161, or Dennis Hoebee, ( 940.898.3134 

Thanks for all you do for TWU!


Dennis Hoebee, MBA
Director, Space Management, Real Estate, & Assets
Facilities Management & Construction

Bursar's Notice to Students (March 23, 2020)

This email is notification from the Bursar’s Office that in-person payments for tuition/fees will no longer be accepted after 5 pm on Monday, March 23. The university is asking all to practice social distancing which results in the Bursar’s Office being closed in support of recent federal, state and local requests asking for limited personal contact during this COVID-19 crisis.

We are requesting that students with remaining balances or on an installment payment plan to make payments online. If you have scheduled your final installment payment, no action is needed. All students can access the online payment system from any Pay Online link at the bottom of the TWU homepage, in your portal account or Self-Service. Students that are unable to make their last tuition payment by April 15 will not be assessed a late fee. There is no fee to make an online, electronic check payment. Please use your bank routing and account numbers.

Students can make payments, access monthly statements, and view their 1098-T tax form at the same Pay Online link which is provided here:

Any questions can be emailed to and we’ll respond. Please include your student ID number if you have a question.

Thanks for your support in practicing social distancing and supporting the online payment process now. We will open our office as soon as the university resumes normal activities.

Bursar’s Office
Texas Woman’s University

Telecommuting and TWU property (March 22, 2020 at 3:01 p.m.)

Greetings Faculty and Staff,

Due to the University’s recent accommodations to allow more faculty and staff to work from home via telecommuting arrangements, there has been a scramble for technology to meet that need. To quickly accommodate social distancing, some university property has already been taken home so faculty and staff can continue their work.

Given these unprecedented circumstances, we recognize that employees may need to continue to remove assets to complete work from home. Proper tracking of University assets; however, is a vital role of being good stewards of our resources and a state requirement. Additionally, IT assets require adjustments to some resources for them to function off-campus. Please note that this practice is not typically supported; however, these are unprecedented times.

Examples of University property that may be removed for telecommuting arrangements may include items such as desktops, printers, and monitors.

To request removal of a University asset for telecommuting purposes:

  1. Complete the Equipment Loan or Transfer to Out-of-Office Location Form, which requires signature by the Department Head/Director (or a designee)
  2. Email the completed form to Dennis Hoebee and CC: Melody Dunn
  3. For a seamless transition to work-from-home, IT Solutions (ITS) is ready to assist you! Most of this assistance can be done remotely; however, desktop iMacs and some desktop Windows devices have to be adjusted on campus prior to removal.
  • Please refer to this site for more info about working from home
  • To access the internet on a TWU desktop PC at home, you will need to connect an ethernet (internet) cable from the PC to your home router. 
  • VPN (CiscoAnyConnect) will be required to be installed on the machine to access the following: Colleague UIOracle E-Business (Phoenix), Internal Websites, SQL Reports, X-Drive (Map on Windows) (Map on Mac), andOnBase Web Client & GMedia. VPN requires the use of the DUO mobile app which must be installed on a mobile device. 
  • If you take your desktop home, you won’t need to use Remote Desktop.
  • After ITS adjusts the computer prior to removal, they will be able to assist with usual issues and requests through the Service Desk, which is and will be fully operational. Elevated rights should not be needed for users.

Questions about assets? Email Dennis Hoebee or Melody Dunn

As a reminder, prior to our work restrictions put in place as a result of COVID-19, each department received amobile device inventory spreadsheet to complete.  This is still a requirement, so please continue to track those assets.  In addition, please assign someone to oversee completion of that task and re-verify asset information with the department head/director prior to sending it back to Dennis Hoebee, Director, Space Management, Real Estate, and Assets (SMREA) office.

Questions about computers? Contact the Technology Service Desk at 940-898-3971,, or

Thanks for all you do!


Dennis Hoebee, MBA
Director, Space Management, Real Estate, & Assets
Facilities Management & Construction

Employee updates related to COVID-19 (March 20, 2020 at 3:59 p.m.)

Dear faculty and staff,

I want to express my appreciation for everyone’s assistance over the past several weeks as we wrestle with the COVID-19 event and the ever-changing guidance from our federal and state leaders. At times it can be frustrating, confusing, scary, and many more adjectives, and we appreciate everyone pitching in to do their part.

Given these events and the current directives of the CDC and Governor’s Office, employees should work from home, where feasible, to achieve the optimum isolation from COVID-19. Our faculty colleagues are working diligently to transition courses online and working remotely.

While the university remains opens, essential offices and duties will require identified staff to remain on campus.

For Staff:

Immediate supervisors, working in consultation with their Vice President, will identify those essential employees. For all others, supervisors will approve temporary telecommuting arrangements to the extent you are able to perform your functions remotely. For those with job duties that do not transition to working remotely, supervisors will work with their Vice Presidents and Human Resources to find solutions.

Duties may be modified as determined by the supervisor based on the current operational needs of the department. Daily reports of work duties/tasks performed are expected to be submitted by staff to their supervisors. Reports are subject to verification upon request by departments or Human Resources. For more information about telecommuting, recording time and leave, and other COVID-19 related updates, please visit the university’s Coronavirus website: Additionally, we are getting a lot of HR-related questions. I recommend visiting this website frequently, as the FAQs, including those for employees, are being updated daily.

I also wanted to provide additional information regarding building access. Earlier this week, we limited access to our Dallas and Houston campuses to card key access via the main entrance only. Certain circumstances predicated the same course of action for the Denton Campus. As of 3 p.m., Friday, March 20, all buildings on TWU’s Denton campus are accessible only by university card keys or brass keys as well. At no time was there any danger to our TWU community.

Given the need to limit contact, practice social distancing, and adhere to the local, state, and federal directives, these steps are necessary. A safe operating environment is always our number one priority. Your ID card will allow access to the building where your office is and multi-use buildings on campus such as the Library, Student Union, Pioneer Hall, buildings containing classrooms and labs, etc. If there are issues with your card, ID Systems can help: 940-898-3565 or If you encounter building access issues, please call University Police at 940-898-2911.

One last item, ITS has modified your desk phone so it can be forwarded to your cellphone or other phone even if your number is outside the 940 area code. Instruction can be found at If you are already working remotely, contact the Technology Service Desk at 940-898-3971,,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.

I appreciate everyone’s hard work, patience and resilience during this unprecedented time.

Thank you,

Jason Tomlinson
Vice President for Finance and Administration

Page last updated 10:24 AM, June 28, 2024