Arts & Sciences launches faculty and staff awards page
The TWU College of Arts and Sciences recognizes the outstanding contributions of its faculty and staff in teaching, scholarship and service. To that end, CAS has launched a new Faculty and Staff Awards page on its website with information how to nominate colleagues for the awards.
TWU Theatre Announces 2022-23 Season
Two volunteers in a clinical drug trial for a new antidepressant deal with the ramifications of their newly awakened emotions in The Effect, a play by Lucy Prebble that will open the 2022-23 season of the Texas Woman’s University’s Theatre program.
The 2022-23 season will consist of four plays.
A medical detective story
TWU biology doctoral student Erica Garcia is investigating the strange relationship between breast cancer and human cytomegalovirus, attempting to solve a mystery that could lead to better treatment of breast cancer and better outcomes for patients.
"The thought that I could improve lives is a big motivation," Garcia said.
History publishes 15th edition of Ibid.
July 1, 2022 – DENTON - The Texas Woman's University History Program on Friday published the 15th edition of Ibid., A Student History Journal.
Ibid is written and produced by the members of the TWU Eta Nu Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society.
Tullia infuses lessons learned at TWU into dean's job
You'd be hard-pressed to find a better example of the symbiosis between a Texas Woman's University education and an emerging career than the example of Tawny LeBouef Tullia.
The combinations of job and education, challenges and preparation, environment and interests have taken Tullia to Memphis, Tenn., where she just completed the first month of her interim year as dean of the Rosa Deal School of Arts at Christian Brothers University.