Test Scores & Transcripts
Submitting transcripts
TWU requires an official transcript from every institution where college credit was attempted or earned. Check WebAdvisor for your list of outstanding application documents.
Note: Academic documents provided directly by an institution and all attested documents become the property of TWU and will not be returned. Additionally, TWU cannot accept faxed transcripts or notarized copies of academic records, from either the applicant or the institution.
Submit all application materials, certified checks, money orders and fee waivers to:
304 Administration Drive Ste 102
Denton, TX 76204
Electronic domestic transcripts may be sent through a secured third-party provider to: oap@twu.edu
Submitting test scores
First-Year and graduate students may be required to submit test scores to gain admission into the university. TWU can accept electronic and hard copy delivery of test scores.
For electronic, use the codes below.
- ACT: 4224
- SAT: 6826
- GRE: 6826 (Suspended for Summer and Fall 2021 admission cycle.)
- TOEFL: 6826
- MAT: 2248
- GMAT: 2BV-CZ-64
For hard copies, the test scores must be sent directly from the institution to TWU or delivered in a sealed envelope from the institution.
Check WebAdvisor for a list of any outstanding application documents.
Page last updated 4:58 PM, August 30, 2024