Write Site
Helping you be a better writer
Write Site is open to all TWU students, faculty and staff who would like someone to review and discuss their writing projects, including resumes and curriculum vitae. Our staff comes from multiple disciplines, and there is no charge for using Write Site.
Your papers will get better if you have someone else look at them. Experienced writers share their work with someone before it's turned in or published. Sometimes people are afraid to make use of our services, but we're here to help. Every person who works in Write Site is dedicated to the students, faculty and staff. There's not a finer group of people around to help you.
Write Site provides:
- direct, individualized assistance to students with any aspect of writing
- a wide variety of writing resources
- staff for faculty members’ classes
- writing workshops, seminars and summer camps
- virtual assistance through the Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Write Site appointment policy:
For every 50-minute appointment, writing consultants can review five double-spaced pages. Please feel free to make multiple appointments for the same paper if the length is more than five pages. Students can request assistance for up to five hours each week.
Click here for our complete appointment procedures, policies and expectations.
In-person tutoring
While online sessions are helpful, there is no substitute for in-person tutoring to discuss the process of writing, and the issues you're confronting. Write Site is open to students from all colleges, departments and divisions.
Tutoring supports classes and is not as a replacement for classroom instruction. We assist students:
- through the writing process (invention, organization, drafting, revision, and editing)
- writing for various audiences and purposes
- employing critical thinking for exposition and persuasive writing
- writing in various modes of expression
We can help with grammar and usage, proper uses of documentation styles, understanding plagiarism, and helping non-native speakers writing in English.
Appointment or walk-in
Write Site accepts appointments, but walk-ins are welcome for live tutoring. Undergraduate and graduate students can receive up to five hours per week of appointment time.
Help with tests
Tutors are not permitted to assist with tests or examinations without written permission from instructor. For questions about exams, students should ask their instructor to contact Rachel Johnston, PhD, Write Site Director, at rjohnston3@twu.edu, (940) 898-2118.
Write Site is located in the Blagg-Huey Library on the second floor.
Hours of operation
- Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
- Friday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Weekends and evenings: online only until 9 p.m.
Drop-in visitors are seen on a first-come, first-served basis during regular hours.
- Online hours vary. Please check Penji for virtual availability.
- Write Site is occasionally closed Fridays for staff development. Closings are indicated on Penji.
- Write Site is closed when classes are not in session.

or download the Penji app on your cell phone and log on there.
2. Log in with your TWU email and password.
3. Once you log in, choose "For Students: Schedule Appointments."
4. Choose "Schedule a 50-minute appointment" or "View Drop-in hours."
5. Next, select a topic (the class for which you are seeking an appointment or "Other").
6. Choose a date and time for tutoring.
7. Choose a writing consultant.
8. Determine the kind of appointment you would like, either (1) a face-to-face meeting on the 2nd floor of the Blagg-Huey Library (Room 235), or (2) a Zoom meeting online, or (3) uploading a paper for comment, a process called an OWL (asynchronous online).
9. Tell the writing consultant what you would like to focus on during the appointment. Then upload a rubric or written assignment and upload the paper draft in WORD.
10. You will see an overview message on Penji listing your appointment's (A) topic; (B) Time and Day; (C) writing consultant; and (D) the location (i.e. library, Zoom, OWL (Asynchronous Online--uploading paper).
11. You will then get a confirmation email.
Write Site blog
Write Site at Boo at the U
Page last updated 8:35 AM, January 14, 2025