
Attendance in class is an expectation of every instructor, and students who miss class for any reason would need to address that absence directly with the respective faculty member. It would be helpful to bring documentation to the attention of the faculty member in a timely manner that would support the period away from class, like a note from the doctor, material documenting a trip to the ER, program booklet from a memorial service of an immediate family member, court summons, and the like.

Please be reminded that no matter how legitimate the absence may be, that not all may fit the criteria for being excused from class. Too many classes missed will also trigger a dialogue with faculty members to discuss potential alternatives, including possibly dropping the class, or withdrawing altogether for that semester. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student, and submission timeline of missed assignments worked out with the respective faculty member. Your coursework has been constructed with your success in the program at mind, and students will be expected to be engaged at each step in the progression through a course.

Page last updated 4:07 PM, March 14, 2017