Executive Board

SGA Executive Board

What is the SGA Executive Board?

The Texas Woman's University Student Government Association (Denton) provides students with relevant information that enhances their academic and campus life by connecting them with administrators as well as disseminating information among the SGA branches and committees in order to increase student retention and student involvement.

The Student Government Association Office is located in Hubbard Hall in the Student Organization, Suite 1500.

Follow us on Instagram.

2023 - 2024 Officers

Elizabeth Ramirez
Office Hours: 
Monday: 11:00am-12:30pm
Tuesday: 11:00am-12pm

Executive Vice President
Monica Rogers 
Office Hours:
Monday: 1pm-2pm
Tuesday: 5pm-6pm
Wednesday: 1:30pm-2:15pm
Thursday: 11:45am-1pm

Associate Vice President for Internal Affairs
Gillian Hayes
Office Hours:
Friday: 10am-12pm

Associate Vice President of Finance
Peace Egar
Office Hours:
Wednesday: 10am-12pm

Associate Vice President for Student Organizations
Agnes Chegwidden
Office Hours:
Tuesday 1:00pm-3:30pm

Associate Vice President for Public Relations
Antonio Tamez
Office Hours:
Thursday: 12pm-2pm

Chief of Staff
Emily Zandoval Cruz
Office Hours:
Monday: 10am-12pm

Natalie Boone

SGA Executive Meetings

To attend a meeting please email the Student Government Association.

Page last updated 8:14 AM, July 9, 2024