How to Register Your Accounts

The Division of Marketing and Communication maintains a directory of all Texas Woman’s social media. To be included in this list, colleges, departments and units managing social media accounts should provide Marketing and Communication with the following information via email at

  • Name of Department or Division
  • Social Media – Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, YouTube or Threads
  • Social Media Handle
  • Email account tied to the Social Media – must be a university provided email account
  • Name of department contacts responsible for account (Must have two contacts)

Verification of appropriate approval from your dean, department chair and/or program director, depending on the circumstances.

Please complete this form prior to requesting registration of your accounts: Social Media Registration Form.

Please also note that your account must meet all TWU social media guidelines and be in good standing (regular postings, meet branding rules, etc.) in order to remain listed. Accounts that violate these guidelines will be removed at the social media manager’s discretion.

Personal accounts of individual faculty/staff/students will not be included.

In the event of changes, the college, department or unit is responsible for updating this information with Marketing and Communication.

Page last updated 4:24 PM, February 21, 2024