Bettye Myers Challenge

The Deadline to get your donation in to be eligible for the Bettye Myers Challenge is Monday, October 31st 

Please note our sliding participation scale for the drawing eligibility below!

All paperwork and forms of a participating component must be turned in to Nora Sierra on ACT 10 OR be completed online by this deadline to be eligible.

In memory of Dr. Bettye Myers, we are continuing a form of the challenge she began to encourage TWU participation in the SECC campaign.  Academic components will be eligible for a drawing to win a $1,000 student scholarship sponsored by the TWU Foundation and non-academic components will be eligible for a drawing for a group pizza party sponsored by the Chancellor's Office and Chartwells! We hope each of you will encourage your program or department to pursue this continued participation challenge. We love the excitement this challenge creates and it always gets our campaign started in a big way!

Over the years, it has become evident that a 100% early participation requirement is not feasible or equitable for many components.  Some component sizes are much larger than the minimum 10 employees required to participate and thus 100% participation is almost impossible to achieve by the deadline. Additionally, some individuals in components contribute in other ways to the good of our community. Thus, the SECC committee has created a sliding scale to encourage participation and ensure that the ability of components to participate is equitable.

To be eligible for the drawings, components with...
10 to 19 employees must have 90% participation
20 to 29 employees must have 87.5% participation
30 to 39 employees must have 85% participation
40+ employees must have 82.5% participation

Components with less than 10 employees must pair up with another component so that they meet the minimum 10 employees to participate.  Components may voluntarily agree to pair up with each other, but must notify Nora Sierra (, 940-898-3352) of their participation collaboration.  Please contact Nora if your component needs assistance finding another component to collaborate with.

Page last updated 11:04 PM, September 21, 2022