Reporting Crime and Incidents
Reporting Criminal Incidents and Emergencies
Incidents that occur on university property, including crimes, dangerous activity, health emergencies, fires or other similar occurrences, should be reported to the TWU Police Department (TWUPD). Reporting of all incidents that occur off university property should be directed to the local law enforcement authorities.
Incidents may be reported in person at any TWUPD office or by phone from regular or emergency telephones. (See the TWUPD "Contact Information" webpage for current phone numbers.) For the convenience of the TWU community, emergency telephones, with direct access to the TWUPD, are located in most campus buildings and in several outdoor areas around the Houston and Denton campuses.
Students and other members of the TWU community are encouraged to report incidents immediately. Prompt reporting ensures that evidence is not destroyed and increases the probability of suspect apprehension. It also enables the department to disseminate timely information about threats to the campus community.
All reported incidents will be investigated and, as appropriate, referred to the criminal courts for prosecution or to the Director of Human Resources and/or the Vice President for Student Life for university discipline. For more information regarding campus policies related to access to facilities, criminal activity, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and other policy information call 940.898.2911.
Victim's Information Pamphlet
The Victim's Information Pamphlet includes:
- Victim’s Bill of Rights
- Student Rights & Responsibilities
- University Procedures
- Crime Victim’s Compensation
- Referral Numbers
Download: Victim's Information Pamphlet
Special Information for Victims of Sexual Assault
Students may report sex offenses to any local law enforcement authority. Upon request, TWUPD officers in Denton, Dallas, and Houston are available to assist students reporting a sex crime regardless of where it occurred. The university also provides options for students needing assistance in changing academic and living situations after an alleged sexual assault. For more information about these options please see the Residence Life Handbook and the Student Handbook. Victim counseling and mental health services are available through the University Counseling Center and other non-university agencies. The University Counseling Center also provides a list of community resources for victims of sexual assault. Committing a sex crime is cause for university disciplinary action in addition to criminal prosecution.
Other Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Denton Police Department:
9-1-1 emergency
940.349.8181 Non-Emergency
Dallas Police Department:
9-1-1 emergency
214.744.4444 Non-Emergency
Houston Police Department:
9-1-1 Emergency
713.884.3131 Non-Emergency
Anonymous Information
You may choose to report a crime, concerning event, or information anonymously by clicking here. You will be routed to a form that you can complete and send on-line. The form allows you to reveal your identity or remain anonymous. If you want to be contacted by the police you must identify yourself.
Campus Security Authority Reporting
If you have a significant responsibility for student and campus activities, then you are considered a Campus Security Authority (CSA). As a CSA, for the purposes of the Clery Act, you have a responsibility to ensure that information regarding any crimes reported to you is conveyed to the University for record keeping and reporting purposes. In your position, you may receive information about a crime by the victim, witness, other third party or even by the offender. The Clery Act requires that any time, you as a CSA, receive a “good faith” report about a Clery reportable crime, that crime must be included in the appropriate campus’ crimes statistics.
Thus, in order to ensure that the crime reported to you gets included in your campus’ crime statistics, and that you respond appropriately to the information, these are the steps listed below that you must take:
Step 1: If you receive a report of a crime that is still in progress and/or a continued threat to the victim or others, contact the TWU Police Department (TWUPD) immediately.
Step 2: For other crimes, if the person reporting the crime to you is willing to speak directly to the TWUPD, you should assist them in making contact.
Step 3: If the individual does not want to speak to TWU Police Department about the crime they do not have to, and you should not pressure them to do so. If the person reporting to you is the victim of the crime, you should ensure they have access to information regarding other resources on campus such as the Counseling Center and Student Health. You can refer to your campus’ Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, Student Life, or TWUPD for more information about victim’s rights and resources. You can also contact TWUPD for a consultation on information to provide the individual.
Step 4: Finally, regardless of whether or not the individual reporting to you contacts TWUPD on their own, you must promptly document and submit information from their report to TWUPD using the Campus Security Authority Report Form.
If you have any questions regarding this form or your obligations as a CSA, please contact the Clery Compliance Officer at 940.898.2937.
Missing Student Procedure
If a member of the university community has reason to believe that a student is missing, they should notify the TWU Police Department. All reasonable efforts will be made to locate the student. If the student is under 18 years of age, the custodial parent or legal guardian will be notified in addition to the designated emergency contact. If the student is 18 years of age or over, the student's identified emergency contact person will be contacted.
Page last updated 12:27 PM, January 3, 2025