Travel Guidelines and Policies

Texas Woman's University recognizes and supports the need for faculty and staff members to travel for conferences, events, and other purposes that further the reputation of the University and enhance the productivity of the University community.

University business includes travel related to activities such as program accreditation, student assessment, academic programming, clinical placements, presentations at or participation in conferences, professional development, fundraising, continuing education, travel related to an employee’s official duties, and many other important activities that support the intellectual and operational endeavors of the University.

At the same time, as a State agency, we must respect and safeguard our travel privileges and funds. We must practice fiscal, ethical, and public responsibility. This policy sets forth rules and procedures that balance the University’s business travel needs with the sound stewardship of public resources.

This policy addresses the most common aspects of University business travel. It cannot contemplate every situation that might arise, however. Travelers and administrators with questions should email for guidance before they arrange their travel.

This policy applies to all University employees and prospective employees. Where the policy is intended to apply differently to any University business traveler, it will be so stated in the appropriate section of the policy. This policy covers all types of University travel for individuals, groups, and athletic team travel.

Travel expenses incurred by employees and prospective employees of Texas Woman’s University while traveling for official University business are eligible for payment by TWU. Travelers should apply for a travel card that is paid by TWU. Travelers are expected to pay for all approved travel expenses with the TWU Travel Card. If travelers incur out-of-pocket expenses while traveling, they may be reimbursed. Travel expenses include any reasonable and allowed costs for transportation, meals, lodging, and incidental expenses associated with an approved university business trip.

All travel expenses must be reconciled and submitted within 90 days of the last day of travel. Any travel expenses submitted beyond 90 days from the last day of travel may become the personal responsibility of the traveler or result in the cancellation of the employee's TWU Travel Card.

Official Business

All official travel must be for the use and benefit of the mission of Texas Woman’s University. State law specifies that travel expenses may be charged only when the purpose of travel is clearly for the conduct of the State’s official business and in consonance with the legal responsibilities of the agency of the state represented.

The following expenses are examples of personal expenses that are not paid for by TWU.

  • Transportation to/from meals
  • Social functions
  • Loss of stolen articles
  • Damage to personal vehicles, clothing, or other items
  • Services to gain entry to a locked vehicle
  • Movie charges to hotel bills
  • Expenses resulting from personal negligence of traveler (such as fines)
  • Entertainment expenses
  • Towing charges
  • Expenses for children, spouses, and companions while on travel status
  • Safe deposit box
Resources for State Travel Guidelines

When employees travel on official business they are expected to comply with all applicable laws and rules and to ensure that each travel arrangement is the most cost effective. To reduce travel costs for state agencies, the State of Texas has established the State Travel Management Program (STMP). The STMP has negotiated contracts for travel services such as state contracted lodging rates, rental car rates, and airline rates. Travelers must use these contracted services when available.

Unless otherwise noted, these rules apply to all University funds regardless of source.

For any items not specifically addressed on this website, it is the policy of TWU to follow travel guidelines as set forth by the State of Texas on the Textravel website

The State allows for its agencies to specify a travel expense payment or reimbursement rate less than the maximum rate allowed under Texas Government Code Section 660.007(b). To comply with requirements to conserve funds, TWU has adopted some rules more restrictive than those specified on the State website. In these cases, TWU employees will follow the rules outlined on this website. Departments within the University may specify payment limits lower than the maximum allowed by TWU. Those departments must notify affected individuals in writing about the lower reimbursement rates before implementing them.

Page last updated 11:30 AM, January 7, 2025