Thaxton to co-chair national task force
Cheryl Thaxton (nursing, Dallas) has been selected to co-chair the Pediatric Palliative Care (PCC) Task Force, which was established by the National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care.
TWU alumnus finds new purpose in helping others through occupational therapy
When the infinite cycle of sales quotas, corporate ladder expectations and ethical dilemmas finally became too much for former sales associate and Texas Woman’s alumnus Christopher Villarreal (MOT ’17), he decided to go back to school and pursue his earlier dream of occupational therapy. That decision has not only awarded him a more fulfilling life, but it continues to enable him to affect positive change in this world.
Nursing Faculty Recognized by National Institutes of Health
The National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has recognized Dr. Jennifer Woo, an assistant professor in TWU’s College of Nursing, as a 2020 Health Disparities Research Institute Scholar.
Faith and Focus: TWU OT alumna Christina Hill finds success through adversity
As a child growing up in Greenville, Texas, Texas Woman’s occupational therapy alumna Christina Hill (MOT ’14) combatted issues of alcoholism, drug addiction and poverty within her family and herself. But with the help of her faith, the discipline of martial arts, and most importantly, the support of her son and husband, she has dedicated her life to helping others persevere through their own struggles.
Founder’s Day Forum goes online for 2020
The Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing, in collaboration with Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Society’s Beta Beta Houston chapter, Eta Delta, Psi-Iota, and Phi Chi chapters, will host the annual Founder’s Day Forum online from 8 a.m.–12:45 p.m. October 2, 2020.