Sponsorship Opportunities

Please join us in providing scholarships for worthy TWU graduate students.

Click on each level to view associated benefits and promotional opportunities for your company or organization.

Luncheon Sponsor - $20,000 (One Available)

  • Exclusive designation as Luncheon Sponsor
  • Two tables of 10 with prominent placement and company logo on table signage at the luncheon
  • Table guests invited to VIP reception
  • Prominent company logo recognition in all marketing and event collateral materials including official event invitation
  • Special event signage with company logo at the luncheon
  • Name recognition from the podium and prominent screen recognition with company logo on presentation slides at the luncheon
  • Company logo on sponsorship page of event website for one year

Sponsor at This Level

VIP Reception Sponsor - $15,000 (One Available)

  • Exclusive designation as VIP Reception Sponsor
  • Two tables of 10 with prominent placement and company logo on table signage at the luncheon
  • Table guests invited to VIP reception
  • Prominent company logo recognition in all marketing and event collateral materials including official event invitation
  • Special event signage with company logo at the VIP reception
  • Name recognition from the podium and prominent screen recognition with company logo on presentation slides at the luncheon
  • Company logo on sponsorship page of event website for one year

Sponsor at This Level

Pioneer Investor - $10,000

  • Two tables of 10 with preferred placement and company logo on table signage at the luncheon
  • Table guests invited to VIP reception
  • Company logo recognition in all marketing and event collateral materials
  • Screen recognition with company logo on event slides at the luncheon
  • Company logo on sponsorship page of event website for one year

Sponsor at This Level

Pioneer Premier Partner - $5,000

  • One table of 10 with preferred placement and company logo on table signage at the luncheon
  • Four tickets to VIP reception
  • Company logo recognition in all marketing and event collateral materials
  • Screen recognition with company logo on event slides at the luncheon
  • Company logo on sponsorship page of event website for one year

Sponsor at This Level

Pioneer Partner - $2,500

  • One table of 10 with preferred placement and company logo on table signage at the luncheon
  • Two tickets to VIP reception
  • Company name recognition in all marketing and event collateral materials
  • Screen recognition with company name on event slides at the luncheon
  • Company name on sponsorship page of event website for one year

Sponsor at This Level

Maroon & White Patron - $1,500

  • One table of 10 with preferred placement and company logo on table signage at the luncheon
  • Company name recognition in all marketing and event collateral materials
  • Screen recognition with company name on event slides at the luncheon
  • Company name on sponsorship page of event website for one year

Sponsor at This Level

Individual and Couple Registration

  • $175 Individual Registration
  • $300 Couple Registration

Register Now

Donation Only

We understand scheduling conflicts prevent people from attending the event but there is still interest in supporting graduate scholarships at TWU. Donations to the scholarship fund directly support students. Scholarship funding is key to helping us attract the best and brightest graduate students from across the state and nation.

Donate Today

Page last updated 3:23 PM, September 11, 2024