Leading in a Complex World

When arriving here in 2014, I was immediately struck by the long and storied history of faculty, staff, students and incredible alumni—stories known by far too few.

Steve Jobs once said that it’s only in looking back that we can “connect the dots.” For Texas Woman’s, looking back revealed a wonderful legacy but also a challenge to take that legacy even further into the future.

To lay the groundwork for that challenge, a university-wide team collaborated to create a strategic plan based on our raison d’être, “Educate a woman, empower the world.” That plan has sharpened our focus on preparing students for the world they will enter; bolstered academic, research and athletic activities; and nearly doubled the physical footprint of our university—bringing our student life and academic support services to a level that is becoming the envy of our peers.

Meanwhile, our faculty and students continue to pioneer new approaches to meeting the needs of our ever-expanding state—from cutting-edge preparation for those in nursing and the health sciences, to cultivating entrepreneurs and educators, and advancing strong programs in the arts and sciences. And we do these things well—The Economist ranked us 45th in the country and Dallas Business Journal ranked us #1 in the region for our graduates’ earnings vs. the cost to attend.

Plans often go on shelves with little noticeable outcome. I could not be more proud that our strategic plan, Learn to Thrive—and all those who have had a hand in creating it and bringing it to life—will result in the creation of many more noteworthy “dots.” Dots, that when connected in the future, will make Texas Woman’s University a prominent and important centerpiece in the lives of our students, our faculty and staff and the entire state of Texas.

Carine M. Feyten, PhD
Chancellor and President

Blazing New Trails

Michelle Tribble sharpened her culinary skills after transferring to TWU, then successfully navigated a career through a male-dominated industry. In 2018 she took the top prize on the reality show, Hell’s Kitchen.

She finished high school at 13, and by 16 Haley Taylor Schlitz graduated from TWU and entered a prestigious law school.

Research from the Ground Up

Dayna Averitt collecting sap from Snow on the Prairie with a graduate student.

Using the research skills she gained while earning her master’s degree in exercise and sports nutrition at TWU, Vogel collected biometric data before and during her record-breaking Mount Everest climb.

More on Roxanne Vogel

TWU neuroscientist Dayna Averitt, botanist Camelia Maier and then-doctoral student Paramita Basu ’19 linked the analgesic properties of a compound found in a Texas plant to its potential use as an alternative to opioid-based pain killers.

More on Averitt's research

The Sky's the Limit

The Acolytes of Apollo work on their wearable device for astronauts.

When the Acolytes of Apollo, a group of undergraduate kinesiology students, set out in 2018 to solve a vexing health issue related to space travel, they weren’t afraid of being the first Texas college team of non-engineers to compete in NASA’s Texas Space Grant Consortium Design Challenge.

More on the Acolytes of Apollo

In 2019, Texas Woman’s released an award-winning documentary that highlights the life of former TWU Research Director Pauline Beery Mack and her groundbreaking research for NASA.

More on 'Mack Minded'

Michelle Tribble in Hell's Kitchen in Las Vegas.

I always loved being toe-to-toe with all the guys and being able to not just keep up with them, but do even more.

— Michelle Tribble, '16

A headshot of Roxanne Vogel.

One goal I have is to contribute to the science of high-altitude physiology. The other is to be a role model for young women or minorities who haven't spent much time outdoors, just to show them it can be a place where we are welcome and can excel.

— Roxanne Vogel, '17

Tuong-Vi Ho sits on a TV news set.

I am passionate about nursing, and I want to help nurses in Vietnam achieve the same level of nursing expertise that they have over here.

— Tuong-Vi Ho, PhD '06

A headshot of Sue Bancroft.

I owe a lot to those who helped me, and it's in this spirit of paying it forward that I wanted to support women who desire to lead in the boardroom, in the arts, in community organizations and in political and policy arenas.

— Sue Bancroft, Institute Advisory Council Chair

Institute for Women's Leadership

Texas Woman’s is home to the Institute for Women’s Leadership, which was established in 2018 to help women attain leadership roles as students, as entrepreneurs and in civic life. The first of its kind in Texas and one of only a few in the U.S., the Institute is home to the following three centers:

The Future of Texas Woman's

Statue of the Pioneer Woman wearing a cape with TWU's logo on it.

Closing the Loop

At Texas Woman's, we look at the world through a different lens, focused on what's possible rather than what exists. As we connect these dots, we celebrate a legacy of faculty, students and alumni who pioneer solutions to society's challenges.