E-Waste Roundup
The E-Waste Roundup event is part of IT Solutions’ continued effort to support cybersecurity awareness throughout our community and promote secure and responsible e-waste recycling in the spirit of Earth Day.
On April 25, 2024, IT Solutions (ITS) is hosting Computer Crusher, a local electronic waste (e-waste) recycler, to accept e-waste donations from the TWU community.
Event details
- Thursday, April 25 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- Parking lot near the ROTC building at 1120 Club House Drive, Denton campus (new location!)
- Recycle personal e-waste conveniently and securely on the TWU Denton campus
Drop-off procedures
Computer Crusher will park their vehicle on the Denton campus at the parking lot near the ROTC building (located at 1120 Club House Drive) to allow for drive-up and walk-up accessibility. No reservation is needed for drop-offs, and an ITS staff will be onsite to monitor and facilitate drop-offs.
- Walk or drive up to the parking lot near the ROTC building (located at 1120 Club House Drive) and wait for an ITS staff member to check you in.
- Walk-up participants may approach the check-in table with their department’s recycling. Drive-up participants may check in from their vehicles.
- Once checked in, a Computer Crusher representative will assist with loading recycling into their truck.
Please note that all recycling that is dropped off is considered a donation, and recyclers will not be compensated.
Accepted items
This event is for personal e-waste only. Accepted items are listed here: https://www.computercrusher.com/accepted-items
TWU property or assets will not be accepted. If your department has TWU-owned or tagged computers ready for sanitation, please contact the ITS Service Desk at (940) 898-3971. For all other TWU-owned e-waste, please contact Facilities and Construction Management (FMC) at assets@twu.edu.
Recycling process
Computer Crusher will have the ability to physically destroy hard drives onsite during the event. Please remove the hard drive in advance; otherwise, it will be destroyed at their facility. All other recycling will be done offsite at the Computer Crusher facility. Certificates of Destruction will not be available at this event. However, this is a service that Computer Crusher offers. Those in need of a Certificate of Destruction may opt to coordinate their own recycling drop-off with Computer Crusher outside of this event.
TWU will receive a recycling report after the event to determine how much e-waste was recycled.
Inclement weather and vendor cancelation
In the cases of inclement weather or vendor cancelation, the TWU E-Waste Roundup event will be canceled. ITS cannot accept or store personal electronic waste, per the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations. Please follow @TWUTech on Twitter for up-to-date information on event day.
Please contact D'Ann Jackson at sjackson47@twu.edu.
Page last updated 12:35 PM, November 15, 2024