Cybersecurity in Six Words Wall

Inspired by Six Words about Privacy at the University of Michigan and Six Words on Cybersecurity at the University of California, San Diego, Texas Woman’s University’s Cybersecurity in Six Words campaign debuted during Cybersecurity Awareness Month in 2022. Students, faculty and staff told TWU Information Security what cybersecurity means to them in six words or less. We continue this campaign to maintain conversations, raise awareness, and help us all understand how to better secure our digital lives. Below are responses to the campaign.

Digital safety in an insecure world

If it sounds suspicious, report quickly.

Being cautious with technology for protection Brittany

Protecting People from Digital Pirates Judy

Privacy, safety, fraud, phishing, awareness, trust Christina

Ensuring the protection of our future Kristen

Page last updated 12:05 PM, September 5, 2023