SLIS hosts three Taiwanese exchange scholars
June 27, 2023 — DENTON — While a library can open the entire world to a person willing to discover it, librarianship can sometimes literally lead a person to the other side of the globe.
That is the case for three students from Taiwan this summer. PhD candidates Yu-Ting Huang and Chyi-Kuan Wang and master’s student Chia Yi Liu are exchange scholars from the Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies at National Chengchi University in Taipei City, Taiwan.
Don't miss the opportunity to meet these three exchange scholars from Taiwan.
Sign up now to attend a meet-and-greet at 11 a.m. July 17 in Stoddard Hall 202A hosted by the College of Professional Education.
Sign up nowHosted by the School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS), the trio is conducting a field study practicum at TWU Blagg-Huey Library under the supervision of TWU Library Directors Kimberly Johnson, Abigail Morris and Amanda Zerangue with faculty supervisor SLIS Director Ling Hwey Jeng, PhD.
Their practicum focuses on three different areas of librarianship: public service and access, archives and special collections, and digital service/scholarly communication. Goals are to gain experience in library operations and to acquire knowledge specific to librarianship in the U.S.
While in the states, the exchange scholars have a full schedule. They have visited the University of North Texas Libraries and the Denton Public Library, and return this week from the American Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago, where they gave poster presentations.
The opportunity is sponsored by the Global Dream Building grant from the Taiwanese government’s Ministry of Education.
The College of Professional Education (COPE) is providing an opportunity to meet Huang, Wang and Liu at 11 a.m. Monday, July 17, in Stoddard Hall 202A. For anyone interested, complete this form.
Media Contact
Joshua Flanagan
Digital Content Manager
Page last updated 1:15 PM, June 27, 2023