Ling Hwey Jeng, PhD
Office: SH 411
Phone: 940-898-2607
PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Library and Information Science
MLIS, University of Texas at Austin, Library and Information Science
BA, National Taiwan University
Research Interests
LIS Foundation; information organization; leadership development; marketing and advocacy; Asset-Based Community Development.
Ling Hwey Jeng is a professor and former director of the School of Library and Information Studies. She was on the faculty of the University of Maryland, College Park, UCLA, and University of Kentucky before she joined the TWU SLIS faculty in 2004. She is a recipient of four federal research and training grants totaling more than $2 million in funding, including the grant project Transforming Libraries into Community Anchors in Rural Texas, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, with Dr. Carol Perryman as co-PI. Jeng is a frequent speaker on the topics of library advocacy, diversity, leadership development, and community engagement, and was named a Thought Leader by WikiWisdom Librarians Forum. She actively serves on elective and appointed positions at the American Library Association and the Texas Library Association, and was the president of the Texas Library Association for 2017-2018. Jeng is also actively engaged in local nonprofits, serving on the advisory board of the Denton Community Health Clinic and co-chairing the United Way of Denton County 2017 Community Needs Assessment Project. She is currently a member of the United Way of Denton County Workforce Success Leadership Team and its committees.
Selected Publications
Jeng, L.H. (2023). Grassroots leader librarianship. Children & Libraries, (Spring 2023), 4-5
Jeng, L.H. & Wang, M.L (2022). 圖書館促進社區發展:社區資訊學與館員教育 Library Facilitating Community Development: Community Informatics and Librarians Education. Journal of InfoLib & Archives, 14(1): 156-180.
Jeng, L.H. & Perryman, C. (2019). Changing Models of Library Practice to Benefit Rural Communities. Public Library Quarterly, 38(3),
Jeng, L.H. (2018). Six steps to practice community engagement. Texas Library Journal, 94(1), 2.
Jeng, L.H. (2017). Thriving communities depend on smart public investment in libraries. Dallas Morning News (March 31, 2017).
Jeng, L.H. (2017). Making positive changes in the community. Texas Library Journal, 93(2), 44-45.
Jeng, L.H. (2017). Resilience, resourcefulness, relevance. Texas Library Journal, 93(3), 72.
Page last updated 3:07 PM, September 22, 2023