Frequently Asked Questions

How should I act and what should I know before I join?
Act like yourself! You want to know what the fraternity or sorority is like as much as they want to know the real you. Look at all the chapters with an open mind. Research the organizations and read every bit of information there is to know about them. It will benefit you in the end when making a decision. Go to each individual fraternity/sorority’s national website to see what might interest you and what may be your best fit. By looking at all of the organizations on a national level you will become more educated about Greek life as a whole and can speak as to why you really felt that a particular organization was for you because not everyone is right for each chapter and not every chapter is right for each person.

What are the financial obligations of joining a sorority or fraternity?
If you are serious about joining a fraternity or sorority, you must be serious about your financial obligations to that organization. The cost varies with each organization. However, you should ask about these costs during the interest meetings.  

What will I get out of fraternity or sorority membership that I would not get out of any other college organization?
The fraternity or sorority experience is multifaceted and offers numerous opportunities to you. Developing life-long friendships with the members in their chapter and other chapters helps make the campus seem smaller. For many members, these chapters become a home away from home. In addition to the brother/sisterhood, every chapter is dedicated to enhancing leadership, scholarship, philanthropy/service, and financial responsibility through various programs, services, and opportunities.

Will my academics be compromised if I join a Fraternity or Sorority chapter?
Students often find managing their time difficult when moving from the highly structured high school environment to the freedom of challenge. Fraternity/sorority membership assists in that transition by offering scholarship programs that may include study partners, study hours, and time management and study skill workshops. You can also access the network of chapter members who already know how to use campus resources like the library, study skills center, computer labs, and academic advisors. Nothing, however, can take the place of a disciplined and academically focused student to ensure success in college.  

Aren’t fraternities and sororities just like the ones in the movies and television?
Unfortunately, individuals without complete information often define the image of fraternity and sorority life. Since only 2% of the U.S. population is Greek, most people don’t have first-hand experience and stereotypes are the norm. Greek organizations do hold social events, but most of these do not include alcohol. These “social” events include educational programs/workshops, community service events, intramural sports, etc. Today’s fraternity and sorority communities across the nation have adopted a stringent approach to socializing thereby creating a safer, more beneficial environment for its members. There are strict guidelines and procedures concerning the availability of alcohol at chapter events, and these rules are enforced by the national organizations, the University, and by internal chapter standards.

How much time does a chapter take up?
The time commitment varies from chapter to chapter, but the first semester is most time intensive as the new member goes through the chapter’s Education Program. The time spent in this program will give you the opportunity to develop their leadership and time management skills, learn about the history and tradition of the organization, develop friendships with their new member class as well as the rest of the chapter, and allow them to become involved in other activities and organizations. After the initiation into the chapter, expectations will vary. Each chapter has weekly chapter meetings and other mandatory events (philanthropies, service, and initiation) throughout the year, but they are planned well in advance.

What about pledging or hazing?
All new fraternity and sorority members experience a period of orientation. During this time, your student and other new members will participate in weekly meetings to learn about the University, and the fraternity/sorority history, leadership retreats, community service projects, and activities designed to build friendships among new members and initiated members. ALL FRATERNITY AND SORORITY POLICIES STRICTLY FORBID HAZING. Texas Woman’s University also has a strict policy against hazing.

Who actually is in charge of the organization, and is there outside support?
Students elected to officer positions manage the day-to-day operations of the organization. These officers are assisted by members serving on committees, so everyone is involved in and exposed to leadership positions. Each member learns cooperation, communication, and planning skills. Alumni act as advisers, and some chapters have alumni advisory boards that work with its members. Each group is governed by a(n) inter/national headquarters, which established their chapter’s regulations, and offers advice and direction through professional staff and volunteers. There is also a dedicated staff member in the Center for Student Development, the Assistant Director of Leadership and Greek Life, who provides guidance to the fraternity and sorority members at TWU.

Page last updated 9:27 AM, July 8, 2024