COVID-19 Response for Research
Research and COVID-19 Response
For the most recent TWU protocols on COVID-19, please refer to the link on the main TWU website:
Human Subjects Research
As of August 3, 2020, face-to-face human research studies in which Covid-19 risk can be mitigated to a minimal level may resume if a PI has modified the IRB protocol to add the risk of Covid-19 exposure to the procedures and consent form, included necessary safety measures, and re-consented new or continuing participants. A guidance for minimizing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in human subjects research can be found here. Studies where the Covid-19 risks cannot be mitigated, or are not modified to address risks associated with Covid-19, cannot resume face-to-face procedures at this time. This guidance is in effect for all TWU campuses, Denton, Dallas, and Houston.
These guidances are highly dependent on ongoing updates to federal, state, local, and institutional policies related to physical distancing and allowed activities and based on continuous monitoring of the guidelines. Any changes to study procedures must be approved in advance by the IRB. By working remotely, the TWU IRBs plan to remain fully functional, and you may contact Ms. Sandy Owens (TWU IRB Analyst) @ with questions.
Thank you all for your cooperation and patience as we work through this together.
Page last updated 11:34 AM, October 28, 2021