Translation of CIMT to Mexico

Translation of CIMT to Mexico: Investigates and identifies barriers in implementing evidence based practice for children with cerebral palsy in Mexico
This is a knowledge translation project focusing on the implementation of a constraint induced movement therapy camp for school aged children with unilateral cerebral palsy in Mexico.
Investigators at TWU
Outside Collaborators
- Angela Shierk, PhD, OTR
- Jorge Carranza, MD, Hospital San José Celaya, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico.
- Gabriela Granados Garcia, OT, Universidad Teleton, Mexico City, Mexico
Partners and Affiliates
Grant Funding and Agency Number
- 2020: Roberts, H. ($500) travel grant awarded to support Knowledge Translation of CIMT to Mexico.
- 2019: Roberts, H. & Shierk, A., Bridging the Gap to Mexico: Knowledge Translation of Evidenced Based Upper Extremity Therapy for Children with Hemiplegia ($24,969.00 Not Funded), Co-Principal Investigator, American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine.
Roberts, H., Shierk, A., & Grandados Garcia, G. (2020). Implementing a Group Based Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Program. Invited presentation at Mexican Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Disabilities, Puebla, Mexico, Mexico-Puebla.
Roberts, H. (2016). Putting the Pieces Together: An Evidenced Based Workshop on constraint induced movement therapy. Mexican Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Mexico City, Mexico.
Roberts, H. (2020). Issues and Trends for Children with Uni-lateral Cerebral Palsy. Invited presentation at Mexican Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Disabilities, Puebla, Mexico, Mexico-Puebla.
Roberts, H., Shierk, A., DeLuca, S., Ramey, S., & Coker-Bolt, P. (2019). Cultural Variations in the Implementation of Pediatric Constraint Induced Movement Therapy in Developing Countries. Combined AACPDM 73rd Annual and IAACD 2nd Triannual Meeting, Anaheim, California.
Page last updated 7:46 AM, May 31, 2023