Order Materials
How to Order
To order any of these items, please submit your request by email or phone (940)-898-3751 to the Woman's Collection. Please include the name of the item(s), price(s), and your mailing address when ordering. As staff are able to process your order, an invoice will be returned to you with costs and special directions for addressing and mailing a check. Items will be shipped after payment is received.
Permission to publish: Any materials from the Woman's Collection must be obtained separately. Failure to observe copyright laws may result in legal action.
Copyright: All responsibility for questions of copyright that may arise in copying, scanning, and use of material shall be assumed by the user.
Make all checks payable to the "WASP Endowment"
Requests for photocopies of vault materials are granted at the discretion of the archive staff.
In-house request: .10 per page
Off-site request: .20 per page
Allow 2-3 weeks for off-site requests to be processed and shipped.
Requests for reproductions of photographs from the Woman's Collection must be submitted by email.
Basic costs include the following:
Scanned images: $10.00 per scan
4"x6" prints $20.00
8"x10" prints $30.00
If a copy negative is required, an additional fee of $18.00 will be charged, (TWU keeps the negative).
Orders require 4-8 weeks to process and ship.
Permission to publish photographs or to use for any other purpose besides private viewing must be obtained separately. Failure to observe copyright laws may result in legal action.
Oral Histories
To order one of the completed oral histories from any of the Woman's Collection Oral History Projects, please include both the title of the oral history and indicate the type of binding you wish.
Hardbound, Buckram (thesis style) binding: $20.00
Soft cover binding: $15.00
WASP Letters, World War II
Transcribed and indexed letters of women who joined the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP).
Hardbound, Buckram (thesis style): $20.00
Soft cover binding: $15.00
Please phone (940)-898-3751 for a list of available copies.
In Memoriam: Thirty-eight American Women Pilots
Short bios of the Women Airforce Service Pilots who gave their lives in performance of duty
with the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. [Soft cover pamphlet, 50-pages]
Researched and written by WASP: Dawn Seymour, 43-5; Clarice I. Bergman, 44-2;
Jeanette Jenkins, 44-1; and Mary Ellen Keil, 44-2.
Costs: $7.00 each
Proceeds benefit the WASP Endowment
Make Checks payable to the "WASP Endowment"
Dear Mother and Daddy: World War II Letters Home from a WASP, An Autobiography
Letters from a WWII WASP pilot to her family during her period of service and autobiographical memoir. Numerous black and white photographs.
By: Marie Mountain Clark, WASP, class 44-1; 2005.
Hardbound, 284 pages.
Cost: $34.95
Proceeds benefit the WASP Endowment
Make Checks payable to the "WASP Endowment"
Finders Guide to the Texas Women: A Celebration of History Exhibit Archives
Prepared as an index of research files used to create the exhibit.
The guide contains biographical information on 600 Texas women
and 400 subject files.
Edited by Ruthe Winegarten. Copyright 1984.
Hardbound, 318 pages.
Cost: $10.00
Dear Miss Merchant: The Edited Correspondence and
Catalogue of Book Collector
Catherine Jane Merchant
Edited by Dawn Letson, Texas Woman's University, 1997.
Softcover, 51 pages.
Cost: $8.00
Iconographies of the Virginia Thomas Memorial Windows
Descriptions of the stained glass windows in the Mary Evelyn Blagg-Huey Library, Texas Woman's University. The windows depict Classical goddesses and muses. Text is accompanied by full color prints of the windows.
First edition limited to 2500 copies, 31 pages.
Cost: $8.00
The Bunte Family History:
Smithville, Texas, 1880-1995 for the Smithville Centennial, 1995, With Histories of the Allied Families—the Garlipps, Lammes, and Walls of Texas, c. 1849.
By: LaVerne Harrell Clark. Copyright 1995
Soft cover, 246 pages.
Cost: $30.00
Woman's Collection Poster
From a photograph of a TWU student in the early 1900s entitled "The Graduate."
16-1/2 " x 10-3/4"
In-house cost: $2.00
Poster plus shipping: $5.00
WASP Poster
Photograph from 1944 of Betty Jo Streff, Ellen Wimberly, and Eileen Wright at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas, during WWII. This poster was done for the WASP Reunion in Dallas, Texas, September 2008.
In-house cost: $2.00
Poster plus shipping: $5.00
WASP Poster (vertical)
Photograph from 1943 of Ann Baumgartner at
Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas, during WWII. This poster was created for the WASP Reunion in Dallas, Texas, September 2008.
In-house cost: $2.00
Poster plus shipping: $5.00
"I Can" Aviation Blank Cards
Reproduction of an original painting belonging to the Woman's Collection by Artist Johnny Mullins of Corrales, New Mexico. The painting depicts an early woman aviator standing in front of a J-Cub the day she soloed.
Copyright 2004.
(8) 4" x 6" cards and (10) envelopes.
Cost: $8.00 per packet.