Writing Prompts
What do I write about?

Everyone has a different story and we want to hear yours! Below are some ideas of topics to write about from your COVID-19 experience.
- What are some things that make you anxious or frustrated right now? Are you mourning what used to be normal?
- What are you thankful for right now? What brings you joy?
- How are you coping with the changes?
Home Life
- What is/was your situation at home? Who is/was home, working from home, or working outside the home?
- Are/did your relationships with your family and friends changing while sheltering in place?
- Are/were you taking care of children, a high risk individual, or a senior relative while juggling classes and/or work?
- What is/was happening in your daily life at home? How are/were your parents/friends/partners/etc doing?
- How has/was your experience getting everyday items like groceries and household goods (cleaning supplies, paper goods, etc.)? Have/were there been shortages?

- Are/were you working from home? What challenges did you face?
- Are/were you working outside the home? What challenges did you face?
- Do/did you have a job on or off campus? What kind of work did you do, and how has that been affected?
- Are you an essential worker? What has your experience been?
- Do you work in healthcare? What has your experience been? Did you have problems with PPE, working conditions, etc.?

- Are you a student? How did you handle the transition to online classes?
- What kind of messages have you received from professors?
- How are other students handling the changes?
- Are you a parent that had to teach your children? What was your experience?
- Are you involved in student organizations, sports, or clubs? How has COVID-19 and campus responses affected those?
- Did you live on campus? Did you have to move or did you stay on campus?
- Did you get sick? Did anyone you know get sick?
- What symptoms were there?
- What was the response from medical personnel?
- Was COVID-19 testing accessible?