Headlines & Publications

Agatha Beins: "Traffic patterns in this community showcase the urgency of making a safe way for cyclists to share the road" for HuffPost

"After living in New Jersey for six years, I love the slower pace of Denton and the way drivers tend to be respectful and courteous," Associate Professor Agatha Beins, PhD, writes in her HuffPost op-ed. "They pass slowly, giving a wide berth. However, when I get to work, the scene is not so nice."

Gretchen Busl: "We need female visions of the world: Try these 5" for Women's eNews

"For a month celebrating both literacy and women’s history, treat yourself to great reading from Lebanon’s Hanan al-Shaykh, Nigeria’s Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Zimbabwe’s Tsitsi Dangarembga, Algeria’s Assia Djebar and Iran’s Azar Nafisi," writes Associate Professor Gretchen Busl, PhD, in an op-ed co-authored with Por Alison Bowen.

Claire Sahlin: "Vatican orthodoxy does not represent all American Catholics" for The Guardian

"Like other conservative religious institutions, the Roman Catholic Church not only forbids the use of contraception and seeks to outlaw access to abortion, but also denies women's right to become priests and to preach from the pulpit," Associate Dean Claire Sahlin, PhD, writes in an op-ed for The Guardian. "These restrictions, coupled with the condemnation of same-sex relationships, have naturally and rightfully led increasing numbers to abandon the church."