Headlines & Publications

Eesha Pandit to speak on Gender and Justice: Communication Strategies for Policy Change

Join Eesha Pandit in an interactive workshop designed to help communicate effectively with policymakers, make political policy understandable to a wide range of audiences, and use policy for social change.

Fall 2021 Podcast Interviews

Read about the fall 2021 podcast interviews.

Phillips-Cunningham: "On Labor Day, we remember the Black women who helped win labor rights" for The Washington Post

Danielle Phillips-Cunningham, PhD, program Lead of Multicultural Women’s and Gender Studies, published an op-ed in The Washington Post about the history of Black women’s labor organizing in recognition of Labor Day. Phillips-Cunningham marks the 100th anniversary of the National Association of Wage Earners, launched by activist and educator Nannie Helen Burroughs, in "On Labor Day, we remember the Black women who helped win labor rights."

07-22-21 Jackie Hoermann-Elliott: "Running and writing: Getting your creative juices flowing" with Another Mother Runner podcast

Another Mother Runner podcast hosts Sarah and Adrienne converse with Jackie Hoermann-Elliott, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of English at Texas Woman’s University and author of Running, Thinking, Writing. The trio of writers/mother runners examine running’s power to fuel creativity; “flow” in both running and writing; what running does to change our brains; why running qualifies as a creative endeavor; and, the benefits of journaling, including the beauty of a 5-year journal.

Ashley Bender: "Legislature should pass a paid parental leave bill" for Austin American Statesman

"On April 21, 17 state treasurers from across the U.S. urged Congress to institute a paid family leave plan policy," writes Assistant Professor Ashley Bender, PhD, in an op-ed for Austin American Statesman. "Unfortunately, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar was not among them. Yet now more than ever, we need Texas state officials to consider the benefits of paid family leave, broadly, and paid parental leave, more specifically."