TWU microgrant helps CodeStream Studios educate the future tech workforce

Today’s students need to be prepared to enter tomorrow’s tech-driven workforce, so CodeStream Studios, LLC, a technology education company, is engaging elementary, middle and high school students to ignite a spark that encourages them to dive deep into STEM-related careers. With a $5,000 microgrant from the Center for Women Entrepreneurs, CodeStream is now expanding its reach even further.
CodeStream was founded in 2015 by Roxayne Strong and her husband after becoming frustrated trying to find affordable, informative computer coding instruction for their eight-year-old daughter. Strong created a pilot class that included 15 private school students ranging from the seventh to 11th grades, and its success helped her launch the business.
Since then, CodeStream has educated more than 2,000 students throughout the North Texas region with in-classroom and out-of-school programs that focus on web, mobile app and game design and development, and robotics and circuitry instruction. The company has developed and delivered computer coding curriculum and lesson plans for K-12 grades based on the Texas Education Association standards.
The CodeStream product line has diversified to a client base that includes community-based organizations, municipalities and venue locations.
“In addition to partnering with a number of schools throughout the region, we have hosted computer coding events at regional venues and community locations, including Frontiers of Flight, Dallas Zoo, Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, Boys and Girls Club and Big Thought Foundation, among many others,” says Strong.
For added value, CodeStream has increased its programming catalog to include a variety of events, series and camps to continue its mission of encouraging and inspiring grade-school students to gain a general understanding of how to create, participate and ultimately contribute to the new tech workforce.
“We are focused on the continued development of our curriculum, lesson plans, projects, customized computer coding games and an integrated web app that will allow our students to interact with the coding pathways that we offer,” says Strong.
The $5,000 TWU microgrant has enabled CodeStream to continue its growth by upgrading office computers and investing in marketing in order to reach new partners. With these things in place, Strong believes the company will continue to make great strides.
“We plan to continue engaging middle school and high school students, but we want to engage with more elementary school students as well in order to pique their interest and curiosity in technology,” she says. “We also will develop more collaborations and partnerships to increase the number of organizations and students we can reach to expand our ability to educate the new tech workforce.”
About the Microgrant Program
The TWU Center for Women Entrepreneurs' Women’s Enterprise Training and Microgrant Program, now in its third year, helps current and aspiring women business owners to undertake new and innovative projects with a $5,000 grant. The grants are awarded once per year. For more information on the program, visit
Media Contact
Ray Willhoft
Director of Communications, Jane Nelson Institute for Women's Leadership
Page last updated 10:49 AM, September 27, 2022