Boldly Lead Student Spotlight: Amit Ohayon

TWU student Amit Ohayon in front of the fountain at the Blagg-Huey Library

The Boldly Lead Student Spotlight series highlights Amit Ohayon, a psychology major who is expected to graduate in May 2024.

Ohayon is part of the first cohort of Jane Nelson Institute Legacy Leader Scholars. After graduation, she plans to pursue a graduate degree in industrial psychology to work in human resources. She hopes to help employees be recognized for their worth and their strengths to affect businesses in a positive way.

What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership to me means leading by example. It’s setting an example for others to follow and encourage growth. My dad always said to me when I was young that I can do whatever he does a thousand times better. This is something I incorporate into my leadership; anything that I lead, I encourage the ones that follow to do even better.

What are your experiences as a leader either before or after attending TWU?

I originally moved to the United States because my dad got a promotion when I was 14. I came in fresh with limited language, culture shock, and I was not prepared for anything that the United States had to offer. To deal with such a transition I started creating clubs for things that I was really passionate about, for example, Psychology Club and Multicultural Club. So that way I was able to leave a legacy and create a path through example for my younger siblings. But then coming into TWU, I was fortunate to be involved in Legacy Leaders and build on my leadership experience in high schoolto create a new legacy and expand my leadership through volunteering and community service. Other than Legacy Leaders, I’ve been involved in in Housing & Dining since my Sophomore year and have been able to grow my leadership there through different roles; I started out as an Academic Support Assistant, which focused on helping students with academic resources, and was able to be promoted into a Student Manager position the following year and supervise the RAs while also leading a group of Housing Interns and leading programs, recruiting, and coordinating events. Lastly, I also got a chance to network with the Department of Psychology and Philosophy in TWU through interning with them and holding a role as a TA.

What are some of the opportunities that you have had to develop skills as a leader?

I’ll definitely shout out the CSL. First of all, through the symposiums and getting exposed to government officials and caring about nonprofit experience. Next, the Dress for Success event; when I was promoted into a Student Manager I was able to come to those workshops and hear about how leaders act, talk, and present themselves. Other than those resources, I also had opportunities to strengthen my leadership skills internally. My sophomore year of college before I really became involved with big managerial roles and internships, I got a big “No” and I felt very lost professionally. However, looking back I believe that everything happens for a reason and this rejection landed me in the place that I’m at right now, which is working in my dream job and about to graduate college. And so those opportunities will arise, but you have to trust that you have a bigger plan and your skills will be used somewhere else.

What are some important traits or characteristics to have as a leader?

Definitely interpersonal skills. I think that when you lead, you’re going to interact with different people, so making sure you have communication, and a positive attitude. Communication especially goes both verbally and non-verbally as well as positively and negatively, and is a huge part of leadership. Lastly, individualization and harmony are integral as you’re for seeing that person for their strengths and creating overall harmony in the team.

What does boldly lead mean to you?

To me it means breaking barriers, and standing out through your unique leadership. Everyone has a skill set that they were gifted with and developed their skills through different experiences: culture, identity, background. So making sure you utilize and build on what makes you different rather than blending in.

Do you think everyone has the capacity to be a leader? What would you tell the next generational leaders coming in?

I think that everyone has a capacity to lead. It doesn’t even depend on whether you can start clubs. You can be leading an organization or even a small group project. It doesn’t matter how big the thing you’ve led is, the only thing that matters is what you have to bring to the group. Going back to utilizing the uniqueness that you have. Because everyone has the potential to be a leader.

If you would consider yourself or another TWU student a bold leader and want to see them highlighted, please reach out to Chris Scanlan at


Page last updated 3:00 PM, March 15, 2024