RHA Application

The Residence Hall Association provides a unique opportunity for professional, personal and leadership development. As a student leader within the Department of Housing & Dining, you will have a unique opportunity to influence your living environment through planning engaging programs and advocating for the residential population at a campus, regional and national level. 

We are now looking for exceptional leaders to be a part of our Executive Board! We are currently hiring for our ‘24-’25 President, Vice President, Finance Officer, Secretary and Publicity Coordinator. You can find more information regarding the positions below in the Duties of Office section. As an RHA Executive Board member, you have the opportunity to engage with residents and pro-staff to create a fun and engaging environment on campus. If you are interested in applying, please attend one of the information sessions listed below:

  • January 25th, 6 pm, Located at the Parliament Village MPR
  • January 30th, 6 pm, Located at the Guinn Commons
  • February 1st, 12pm, Virtually (Zoom code: 673 526 2801)
  • February 7th, 5 pm, Located at the Parliament Village MPR
  • February 13th, 4pm, Virtually (Zoom code: 673 526 2801)
  • February 15th, 5 pm, Located at the Guinn Commons
  • February 19th, 5pm, Virtually (Zoom code: 673 526 2801)

It is required to attend an informational session either virtually or in person to receive the RHA Application. The Applications will be open from January 23rd to February 23rd for all officer positions except President, which will close on February 18th. If you are interested in applying and want more information, please email us at rha@twu.edu or follow us at www.instagram.com/twurha/.

If you are not interested in applying for the Executive Board and would still like to get involved, please fill out this form to be put down in our volunteer base, and we will contact you if we have any need for volunteers for Community Intern or RHA events!

RHA Executive Board Duties

Duties of Office

Executive Board Duties (All Officers)

  • Attend Executive Officer Trainings 
    • Shadow sitting Executive Officers during the spring semester at a minimum of one (1) event, and a minimum of one (1) Executive Officer Meeting 
    • Return to campus before move-in; date varying upon the Executive Board
    • Attend General Assembly meetings
  • Executive Officer meetings, in-service training, retreats, and other RHA sponsored activities. Executive Officer meetings will take place weekly on Monday from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. Executive Officers will have permission to register during Priority Registration in order to ensure their schedules permit the mandatory Executive Officer meeting
  • Complete 10 office hours in the RHA Office per week unless otherwise stated, by these Bylaws, President or Advisors
  • Attend a number of summer orientation sessions as decided by the sitting RHA President to represent RHA if student organizations are involved
  • Represent RHA at meetings with administrators of Texas Woman's University and serve on appropriate University committees
  • Attend a regional or national conference within the Southwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (SWACURH), provided that funds are available, per term in office
  • Represent TWU’s residential population by participating in at least one (1) regional and/or national task force within SWACURH or NACURH
  • Establish, maintain, and publicize the specific number of office hours per week for the respective position
  • Conduct oneself in a manner that is keeping with the purpose of RHA and in accordance with its Constitution and governing documents
  • Fulfill all job duties specified for their respective position as outlined in Article IV, Subsections 3-9
  • Investigate and pursue issues relevant to the quality of life of the residents



  • Serve as the official representative and administrator of the RHA.
  • Call and preside over all meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Board
  • Conduct official organizational business
  • Oversee the development of RHA Executive Board task forces
  • Delegate responsibilities, both programmatic and general, as deemed necessary
  • Make contact with the University Housing & Dining office as needed
  • Coordinate the budgetary process for the year in consultation with the Finance Officer, Publicity Coordinator and the RHA Advisor(s)
  • Hold twelve working hours per week that includes office coverage as well as RHA meetings, the executive officer meetings, and other committee meetings. RHA programs and events
  • Have a formal meeting at least once a month with the Director of University Housing. Attendees of the meeting is up to the discretion of the Director of University Housing & Dining
  • Live in a Texas Woman’s University Residence Hall at least one semester prior to taking office
  • Hold an office on the Executive Board of RHA or on a Community Council for at least one semester prior to taking office.  If there is no person willing to run who fits these specifications, someone who has been active in the RHA may run for the position
  • Attend required RHA Conferences and attend Southwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (SWACURH) in the place of the NCC in the event that the NCC cannot attend SWACURH
  • Uphold this Constitution and see that it and other governing documents are followed
  • Meet with corresponding Presidents within each Community Council on a monthly or as needed basis
  • Transition the new President


 Vice President

  • Assume the responsibilities and powers of the President in their absence
  • Assist the President in the duties of their office, as needed
  • Through event planning, 1 of the 2 semestral events that are led by the Vice President must be in conjunction with the CIs
  • Assume responsibility for Community Interns (CIs) involvement and activities
  • Serve as a liaison between RHA and CIs
  • Oversee standing and special purpose committees with CIs, and keep permanent records of committee reports and CIs minutes
  • Record attendance and compile contact information for all CIs
  • Hold twelve (12) working hours per week that include office coverage as well as RHA meetings, executive officer meetings, other committee meetings
    • 4 hours are to be allocated weekly to the in-person support of CIs. As a result, will not be in office
      • To be served through attending CI hall meetings (attending every hall’s meeting at least once a month), 1:1s with CIs and SMs, and attending events
    • Upon the discretion of the sitting President, RHA programs and events may/may not be a part of the 12 hours 
  • Plan and create a retreat for the Fall and Spring semesters for CIs in conjunction with their respective Student Managers
    • Plan and create mid-semester retreats that will allow for more training, positional development, etc
  • Plan and create monthly joint meetings during the Fall and Spring semesters for the CIs
  • Oversee and facilitate monthly CI/RHA bonding events
  • Meet with SMs during positional check-in times
  • Meet with RHA advisor, GA, and Student Managers monthly for updates, training, and further development
  • Transition the new Vice President


Finance Officer

  • Keep complete financial records for the RHA and all subsidiary functions
  • Give a RHA financial report to the Executive Board on a weekly basis
  • Maintain a current and accurate copy of the RHA budget weekly
  • Keep records of all expenditures and maintain receipts for expenditures
  • Maintain an account of programming cost per residential participant for each individual program
  • In coordination with the President and Advisor(s), prepare the annual RHA budget for the following Fiscal Year and submit to the RHA Executive Board the Friday prior to Spring Break
  • Hold ten (10) office hours per week that includes office coverage as well as RHA meetings, the executive officer meetings, and other committee meetings
    • Upon the discretion of the sitting President, RHA programs and events may/may not be a part of the 12 hours 
  • Obtain knowledge of expenditures prior to any p-card purchase
  • Meet with corresponding Finance Officers within each Community Intern groups on a monthly or as needed basis
  • Semesterly meeting with the department p-card admin to ensure p-card knowledge, knowledge pertaining to overall department budget, and purchasing orders
  • Transition the new Finance Officer


Secretary (Subject to SGA approval)

  • Keep permanent records of the RHA proceedings and correspondence
  • Request all RHA officers contribute notes to the meeting agendas each week to make the weekly meetings efficient and effective
  • Take minutes at all Executive Officer meetings and provide minutes to the Executive Officers, Housing Director, and the Advisor(s) within one 24-hours of each meeting
  • Holds ten (10) working hours per week that include office coverage as well as RHA meetings, executive officer meetings, and other committee meetings. RHA programs and events
    • 2 hours will be allocated a week for SGA
    • 8 hours will be allocated a week for RHA office hours
    • RHA programs and events are not a part of 10 hours
  • Compile a handout that shall consist of contact information, schedules, office, and hours of all Executive Officers and Advisors
  • Meet with corresponding VPs of Administration within the Community Interns on a monthly or as-needed basis
  • Compile an annual report to be published and released no later than the final day of the Spring semester in conjunction with the President. Said report should outline each program/event that RHA implemented, regional and national involvement, attainment of goals set at the beginning of the affiliation year, data collected from residential engagement, and suggestions for the incoming RHA board in the following affiliation year
  • The RHA Secretary will also hold the position of Associate Vice President of Residential Affairs and maintain the following responsibilities
    • Will serve as liaison between Student Government Association and Residence Hall Association
    • Will attend Student Government Association Executive Board meetings and provide relevant reports of the occurrences within Residence Hall Association
    • Will host an RHA and SGA collaboration event each semester
    • Will lead a committee in Residential Affairs
    • Will lead the creation of residential advocacy and feedback
    • Will lead their own committee in Residential Affairs; Residential senators will take part
    • Will report directly to the SGA President and RHA President
    • Will participate in luncheons, social events and meetings that involve university leadership officials
    • Is exempt from any other executive responsibilities unless dictated by the SGA President
  • Compensation
    • RHA Executive Board Compensation in addition to a ~$200 semester stipend, budgeted by SGA, from SGA budget
  • Transition the new Secretary


Publicity Coordinator (PC)

  • Serve as the primary officer in charge of diversity, equity and inclusion activities by serving on internal and external committees, posting educational facts on social media, and ensuring events are culturally appropriate
  • Create flyers, with Design Services or independently, and seek approval from the Housing and Dining department 
  • Work to maintain the image and programs of RHA through effective marketing and advertising
    • Create and maintain marketing calendar in conjunction with executive board team
  • Establish beneficial relations with other campus groups
  • Promote RHA at student organization fairs and other opportunities in conjunction with other RHA Executive Officers
  • Maintain RHA office exterior
  • Maintain all RHA social media pages, including, but not limited to, Instagram, Facebook and email communication, as well as constant communication with the TWU Department of Housing & Dining social media
    • There should be at minimum two original posts and re-posts on Instagram each week. These posts should be RHA or Community Intern related, unless there are no upcoming events
  • Ensure each RHA program has at least three types of marketing (i.e. flyers, kiosk slides, table tents, etc) and actively work with each programming team to ensure the marketing is done 
  • Create social media engagement using all team members (i.e. Day in the Life), as needed
  • Create a giveaway social media engagement at minimum once per semester (i.e door decorating or student incentive)
  • Provide brief ice breaker, energizer, or team builder at the start of each RHA executive board meeting 
  • Hold ten working hours per week that includes office coverage as well as RHA meetings, the executive officer meetings, and other committee meetings
    • Upon the discretion of the sitting President, RHA programs and events may/may not be a part of the 12 hours
  • Meet with corresponding Publicity Coordinators within each Community Intern group on a monthly or as needed basis
  • Transition the new Programming Coordinator

Page last updated 7:00 AM, June 13, 2024