Residence Hall Association (RHA)

The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a student-led organization that serves over 2000 residents living on campus. Our mission is to create a lasting residential experience that will live with the legacy of Texas Woman’s University. RHA works to provide quality programming and events for our residential population to attend, while advocating on behalf of their needs. RHA represents all members of the residential population, and we work tirelessly to make sure your voice is heard through our service. This organization’s policies and programs are designed and implemented for improving the community within the residence halls and is established to govern, serve, represent, and promote the interests of all residential students at Texas Woman’s University.

RHA believes that, as a campus resident, you have the right to be heard! RHA prides itself on voicing resident concerns and serves as a liaison between students living on campus and Housing administration. Any student living on campus is already a member and is encouraged to attend our Town Hall events to discuss any improvements or ideas they have concerning their residential experience. Beyond our communication efforts, we also program events throughout the semester that represent our diverse student body and their unique interests!

Learn More About Joining RHA

Network, Build Relationships & Make a Difference

The Residence Hall Association provides a unique opportunity for professional, personal, and leadership development. Within RHA, you can serve as an RHA Executive Board Member, Community Intern, or as a residential attendee at any of our free programs!

Residence Hall Association Executive Board

The RHA Executive Board serves as the main programmatic force within the Housing & Dining Department, attends free conferences across the country to speak with other institutions about their Residence Life Programs, and offers opportunity for University, academic, and professional advancement. The RHA Executive Board also works extensively with the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) and its affiliate in the Southwest (SWACURH), enacting regional and national policy for resident life and development. Applications for Texas Woman’s University’s Residence Hall Association are typically released in the Spring semester for the following positions:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • National Communications Coordinator
  • National Communications Coordinator In-Training
  • Publicity Coordinator
  • Finance Officer
  • Secretary

The NCC-IT position will open in the Summer for first-year students only; all other officer positions are filled. If you are interested in learning more, please visit our RHA application page or contact us at or 940-898-3618.

Community Interns

The Texas Woman’s University Community Intern program provides a fantastic leadership opportunity for those residents looking to contribute to the Texas Woman’s University campus experience! Each residence hall has Community Interns that work under RHA to program events tailored to their specific residence hall, advocate for their residence hall’s needs and concerns, and develop lasting relationships within the residential community. Community Interns work one-on-one with the RHA Executive Board and their residence hall's Student Manager Co-Advisor in a peer-mentor relationship in order to develop their own sense of leadership and confidence on campus. Community Intern applications will be released towards the beginning of the Fall semester for the following positions:

  • Lead Intern
  • Vice President of Financial Operations
  • Vice President of Administration
  • Vice President of Community Relations

Each position is voluntary and provides excellent leadership skills that can be transferred to an RHA Executive Board position, or any other leadership position on campus! If you are interested in applying, please fill out this application. If you would like to learn more, please contact Shelby Schmidt, Vice President of RHA,

From the RHA Executive Board, to Community Councils, to event attendance, you will find numerous opportunities for personal growth within your time living on campus. Because of these opportunities, members of our organization have become leaders, respected students, and the voices of residents. Any change in housing facilities can only be started by students like you. To learn more about our organization, read our RHA Bylaws 2022-2023 and our Policy Book.

Join RHA and become active in one of the most effective organizations on campus. Let your voice be heard! You can find us on Pioneer Engage and Instagram.

RHA members group together in one of the Student Union ballrooms.

The 2023-2024 RHA Executive Board

A group of students & staff pose with blankets they made.

The RHA Board and TWU residents hold their hand-made blankets for shelter animals after our Furr-tastic Fleece event!

RHA members pose for a photo after a conference at the Town Hall.

RHA & SGA members after our Town Hall meeting.

RHA members and advisor pose for a photo after their award ceremony in the multipurpose room.

RHA Advisor and Community Interns at the Community Intern Award Ceremony where we celebrated Community Council’s hard work throughout the year!

3 young women pose for a photo, the right most woman holds an award.

RHA members and Student enjoying the annual Minerva Madness: Women in Music event!

A 2-photo collage shows a student smiling at the camera on the left and another student posing with a Lego set she won on the right.

Students at the annual Minerva Madness: Celestial Gala event!

5 RHA members take a selfie as they are covered in colorful powder.

Some RHA members at our Holi event during the week of Minerva Madness!

2024-2025 RHA Executive Board

President - Alexandra Garza
Vice President - Shelby Schmidt
National Communications Coordinator - Idalyd Granados
National Communications Coordinator In Training - Open, Apply Now! 
Publicity Coordinator - Catheryn Elaiho
Finance Officer - Caitlin Rizo
Secretary - Mallory Hoots
Graduate Assistant for RHA and NRHH - Bailey Gray
Advisor - Miguel Najera

National Residence Hall Honorary, Nancy Murphy-Chadwick Chapter

National Residence Hall Honorary

The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is the sister organization of the Residence Hall Association. It is the premiere honorary supported by the leading national organization advocating for the interests and welfare of residence hall students, while also providing opportunities for their personal growth and development. NRHH is supported by the National Association of College and University Residence Halls and seeks the top 1% of residential students for membership. NRHH strives to provide recognition for individuals who have greatly contributed to the advancement of college and university housing and maintained outstanding academic achievements.

Contact Us

Our office is located in Guinn Commons.

Our Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8am-12pm, 2pm-8pm
Friday: 10am-1pm

Phone: 940-898-3618


Page last updated 10:39 AM, June 25, 2024