Featured Stories

Nurse DJ brings joy, care to others

Working as a registered nurse at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, Paulina Andujo connects with patients through virtual and in-person education before and after surgery. But she also finds a connection to others and herself through music.

After turbulent past, grad student finds stability in helping bilingual students

For nearly a decade, Gladys Acosta endured the societal ills of escalating violent crime, political strife and government corruption in her native country of Venezuela. Almost every day, she or someone she knew was touched by the turmoil. Twice, co-workers of her husband were kidnapped and later killed. And once, Acosta herself was the victim of an attempted sexual assault.

TWU alum adds 100-mile race to adventure résumé

Texas Woman’s alumna Roxanne Gonzales-Vogel completed the historic ultramarathon Leadville Trail 100 Run. The race is the latest accolade for the adventurer who loves to run and climb to the highest peaks.

A medical detective story

TWU biology doctoral student Erica Garcia is investigating the strange relationship between breast cancer and human cytomegalovirus, attempting to solve a mystery that could lead to better treatment of breast cancer and better outcomes for patients.

"The thought that I could improve lives is a big motivation," Garcia said.

Congresswoman’s gift launches TWU scholarship program

U.S. Congresswoman Sylvia R. Garcia today announced a $50,000 gift to Texas Woman’s University to launch a scholarship program aimed at supporting students who aspire to careers in public service and come from traditionally underrepresented groups in federal, state and local politics.