Shop Standard Operating Procedures

EH&S has created Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for common hazards in machine shops or areas with machine shop-type equipment and power tools. These templates are meant to be shared and incorporated into each shop’s safety program, with a section at the bottom for shop members to sign and date after training is complete. For questions or suggestions for additional SOPs, please contact EH&S.
Shop SOPs
Band Saw Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)
Bench and Pedestal Grinders Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)
Drill Press Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)
Hand Tools Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)
Ladder Safety Fact Sheet (PDF)
Portable Power Tools Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)
Sanders Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)
Table Saw Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)
Wood Dust Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)
Page last updated 1:49 PM, April 10, 2023