About the FCL

The Texas Woman's University Future Classroom Lab is an experiential learning environment located on the TWU Denton campus in Stoddard Hall, home of the College of Professional Education. Based on the model created by the European Schoolnet located in Brussels, Belgium, the TWUFCL is designed to help pre-service and in-service teachers explore the art and science of teaching and learning in the 21st century.
The TWUFCL features a variety of technology applications ranging from robotics and coding technology to design and building materials. The focus of the TWUFCL is not to teach the use of specific technologies, but to provide experiences needed to apply 21st-century skills and concepts within a K-12 environment. The goal of the TWUFCL is to provide a state-of-the-art learning environment to practice innovative applications and instructional approaches using resources that are readily available and currently practiced around the globe.
The TWUFCL’s six learning zones are designated to create unique experiences for K-12 students, school employees, and TWU students and faculty members to employ a 21st-century learning framework.
We invite you to schedule a time to explore the lab.
Page last updated 5:02 PM, May 31, 2024