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Review the Periodic Performance Review URP

Pre-tenure is the period of time (usually employment years 1-5) when a college or university determines whether to grant tenure to a tenure-track professor. The pre-tenure period involves:

  • Evaluation: Faculty members are assessed based on their teaching effectiveness, research productivity, service to the institution and contribution to their academic field.
  • Professional Development: Pre-tenure faculty focus on establishing themselves in their field often through publishing research, obtaining grants, and building professional networks.
  • Mentorship: Pre-tenure faculty often receive guidance and support from tenured colleagues to help them meet the institution’s expectations and prepare for the tenure review process which typically occurs year 6 of employment.

Schedule of Reviews

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Type of Faculty Year of Employment Frequency of Review Contents of Review
Pre-Tenure (Years 1 - 5)

Years 1 - 5


*Year 3 PPR will contain explicit statements regarding progress of faculty member toward promotion and/or tenure.

Review the Promotion and Tenure Calendar

  • Year 1 PPR conducted in the fall semester and addresses only the first few months of the 1st academic year.
  • Year 2 is conducted in the fall semester and includes all Year 1 plus the first few months of Year 2. 
  • See note for Year 3*
  • Years 4 & 5 review/highlight progress and areas that need improvement prior to Year 6.

*Impact of Year 3 Review

The performance review conducted following a faculty member’s third year of employment  is a crucial checkpoint in the tenure process as it provides evidence of progress toward tenure criteria midway through the 6 year time frame. This evaluation covers teaching effectiveness, research output, service contributions, and overall professional development. Its significance lies in providing constructive feedback and guidance, which helps faculty members understand expectations and areas for improvement before the formal tenure decision. A positive Year Three review strengthens the tenure case by demonstrating consistent progress and alignment with institutional standards. Conversely, it highlights areas needing enhancement, enabling faculty members the time needed to adjust and improve their candidacy for tenure. Overall, the Year Three review is essential for ensuring faculty members are on track to meet tenure requirements and fostering their professional growth within the academic institution.

Workflow for Reviews

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Type of Faculty Year of Employment Order of Review
Pre-Tenure (Years 1 - 5)

Years 1, 2, 4, and 5

  • AC Administrator
  • Dean

Either the faculty or AC administrator may request review by the AC PRC, in which case the order of review will be:

  • AC PRC
  • AC Administrator
  • Dean
Pre-Tenure Year 3
  • AC PRC
  • AC Administrator
  • Dean
Promotion and Tenure Application Year 6 Promotion and Tenure

Page last updated 3:48 PM, July 22, 2024