Working on Campus Concerns


  • Employee and supervisor discuss concerns.
  • Have concerns been previously addressed through university guidance (i.e. cleaning, personal protective gear, social distancing, and virtual meeting protocols)?
  • Identify any additional concerns and determine resolution. If resolved, employee returns to campus. If not resolved, will department consider telecommuting or flex work?
  • If telecommuting or flex work is not an option, will department utilizing accrued overtime, comp time or vacation time?
  • If not resolved and employee refuses to return, contact OHR for guidance.

Medical condition

  • Employee has high-risk medical condition per CDC or other disability that could be exacerbated by COVID-19.
  • Employee submits ADA accommodation request to OHR.
  • If ADA request results in alternative work arrangement accommodation, OHR refers to the department to determine telecommuting or flex work details.
  • Other ADA accommodation requests will be assessed by OHR through the interactive process with the employee, medical provider and department.

High-risk group

  • Employees 65 and older: If employee is fearful of COVID-19 but no high-risk medical condition, see “Fear” category.
  • Pregnancy: If employee is fearful of COVID-19 but no high-risk medical condition, see “Fear” category. If high-risk medical condition results from pregnancy, see “Medical Condition” category.
  • Household member in high-risk group: Departments may consider if an alternative work arrangement and/or the use of accrued overtime, comp time or vacation time may be an option for consideration, depending upon the operational needs of the department.

Childcare needs

  • Employee and supervisor may discuss an alternative work arrangement.

Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms

Alternative work arrangement extension requests

  • Employee and supervisor discuss an employee’s request to extend telecommuting and/or flex work for non COVID-19 reasons.
  • Department considers: Does request meet department operational needs? Is the request fair and equitable to other employees?
  • Department approves or denies request based on division directed guidance.
  • Refer to the Alternative Work Arrangements for Staff Employees (URP 05.620) policy (pdf).

Page last updated 4:59 PM, July 27, 2022