Damien Hagen, PhD
Assistant Professor

Office: WH 307E
Phone: 940-898-2112
Email: dhagen@twu.edu
BS, Towson University, Political Science
MS, University of Maryland, Women and Gender Studies
MA, University of Maryland, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
PhD, University of Maryland, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Damien Hagen, PhD, is an assistant professor in Multicultural Women’s and Gender Studies at Texas Woman’s University. He is a scholar of interdisciplinary gender, trans and queer studies with a focus on media, affect and culture. His scholarly work is grounded in a commitment to supporting the survival and flourishing of trans and nonbinary lives. His current research projects examine the multiple ways that trans and nonbinary people have used speculative fiction as a survival strategy and worldbuilding tool. In his work, he emphasizes the important role of imagination and creativity in the material reality of trans and non-trans lives. His work has been published in >Transformative Works and CultureS, the International Journal of Transgender Health, and Feminism & Psychology. His article "A Loving and Terrible Rage: t4t Love Praxis and Trans Rage in Gretchen Felker-Martin's Manhunt" is forthcoming in the February 2025 issue of Transgender Studies Quarterly.
Recent publications
“Regeneration and Trans Possibility in Doctor Who.” Trans Fandom. Transformative Works and Cultures. March 2023.
With P. Galupo. “Trans* Individuals’ Experiences of Gendered Language with Healthcare Providers: Recommendations for Practitioners.” International Journal of Transgenderism. April 2014.
With P. Galupo, T. Krum, K.A. Gonzalez, and L.A. Bauerband. “Disclosure of Transgender Identity and Status in the Context of Friendship.” Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling. April 2014.
With P. Galupo, L.A. Bauerband, K.A. Gonzalez, S.D. Hether, and T.E. Krum. “Transgender Friendship Experiences: Benefits and Barriers of Friendships Across Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation.” Feminism & Psychology. February, 2014.
Page last updated 11:39 AM, August 30, 2024