Upcoming Course Descriptions

Fall 2024 undergraduate classes
Fall 2024 graduate classes

Fall 2024 undergraduate classes

WS 2013 - Gender & Social Change
Multiple Sections
Introduction to multicultural-women's studies as an interdisciplinary field and how gender, "race," class, nationality, sexuality, disability, and other identity categories shape human experiences. Examination of social institutions, norms, and practices for their impact on the status and roles of women; visions and strategies for social transformation.

WS 2033 - Womanist Spiritual Activism
Multiple Sections
Introduction to interrelated roles of spiritual practice, imagination, and creativity in personal well-being and struggles for social justice. Multicultural, indigenous, and womanist approaches to wellness and social change.

WS 2383.50 - Gendered Images in Dance Performance
100% online asynchronous
Internet Instruction days, times and room to be announced.
Survey of the development of gendered images in various dance genres and events embedded in U.S. culture and how movement expression inscribes markers of identity such as gender, race, ethnicity, and sexuality in their inscription on the body in performance.

WS 2393 - Intro to Literature By Women
Multiple Sections
Introduction to important works of literature by women. May be organized by theme, topic, genre, ethnic group, or nationality.

WS 2703 - Gender & Education
Multiple Sections (all 100% online asynchronous)
An interdisciplinary examination of the relationship between gender and education in the U.S. Explores how gender relationships are created, maintained, enacted, and transformed through educational structures, practices, and institutions.

WS 3023.50 - U.S. Women of Colors
100% online asynchronous
Multidisciplinary, relational explorations of the histories, theories, cultures, and lives of U.S. women from a wide variety of ethnic/cultural backgrounds. Themes of agency, survival, resistance, and transformation. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

WS 3063.01 - Women in Politics
Lecture Tuesday/Thursday 9:301-10:50 a.m. ASB Room 101
Impact of gender on power and influence in society; political socialization, participation, and leadership of women; women's political issues and movements.

WS 3073.01 - Literature by Women
Lecture Tuesday/Thursday 2:30-3:50 p.m., CFO Room 104
Advanced examination of literature by women. Organized by theme, topic, or genre. May be repeated when topic varies.

WS 3083.50 - Ethics & Feminism
100% online asynchronous
A comprehensive study of the literature, principles, and linguistic impact of contemporary ethics with special emphasis on the origins, authors, and audiences related to feminist philosophy.

WS 3213.50 - Women’s Roles
100% online asynchronous
Women's roles are examined in the context of social institutions such as the family, the economy, and the government. Implications of sexual inequality, changing gender roles, and diversity by race, ethnicity, class, and age.

WS 3223.50 - Women, Crime, & Justice
100% online asynchronous
Introduction to gender, crime, and justice. Focus on women as offenders, as crime victims, and as employees in criminal justice. Feminist and critical perspectives on women, girls, and crime. Issues of gender inequality in criminal justice policy and practice. Prerequisite: SOCI 1013, SOCI 3213, WS 3213, WS 2013, or WS 3023.

WS 3343.01 - Women in the Visual Arts
Lecture Monday, Wednesday 6-7:20 p.m., ASSC Room 203
A survey of women visual artists of the Western world and how their roles relate to those of women visual artists worldwide. An analysis, from a traditional and a feminist point of view, of the recording of the female artist's place in history.

WS 3703 - Women in Music
Multiple Sections
An examination of music from the historical, cultural, and contemporary perspectives of women. Topics will include women as composers and performers, and the cultural values that have affected women's participation in musical life.

WS 3733 - Psychology of Women
Multiple Sections
Issues in the development and behavior of women, including theoretical perspectives, male-female differences, achievement, motivation, stereotype, androgyny, sexuality, career choices, mental health and disorders, psychotherapy, life-span, and special sub-groups.

WS 4023/5903 - Sexualities & Identities
100% online with synchronous meetings Monday 1-2:20 p.m.
Sexuality as an identity formation, social category, and theoretical construct. Interdisciplinary in focus and foundation. Aesthetic, cultural, historical, and institutional discourses that frame our contemporary understandings of sexuality.

WS 4113.50 - The Family
100% online asynchronous
A sociological and feminist analysis of the family as an institution and of the processes and dynamics of the interpersonal relations of marriage and family life.

WS 4493.50 - Feminist Theory
100% online asynchronous
Explores the diversity of feminist theories and their applications to the social, political, and intellectual contexts of women's lives. Includes consideration of historical context for the development of the theoretical perspectives and critiques their analytical strengths and weaknesses.

WS 4793.E01 - Senior Capstone in MWGS
100% online with synchronous meetings Wednesdays 2:30-3:50 p.m.
Social justice career pathways and application of feminist theories and research methods to address social justice issues. Prerequisite: 18 hours of 3000 and 4000 level coursework.

Fall 2024 graduate classes

WS 5023.50 - Foundations for Scholarly Inquiry in Women's and Gender Studies
100% online, synchronous meetings Wed 6-8:50 p.m.
Historical origins and development of Women's and Gender Studies within higher education, including critiques and contributions by women of color; relationships between theorizing and activism; the challenges of multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinarity; and emerging issues.

WS 5163.50 - Women in Politics
100% online with Synchronous Meetings on 8/28, 9/25, 10/30, and 11/20, 6-8:50 p.m.
Advanced examination of the impact of gender on power and influence in society; political socialization, participation, and leadership of women; women's political issues and movements.

WS 5253.01 - Transgressive Identities: Queer Theories and Critical 'Race' Theories
Seminar Tuesday 6-8:50 p.m., MCL Room 501
Feminist and womanist interventions into recent developments in queer theories and critical "race" theories; the effects of racial, sexual, and gender impersonation, passing, and masquerade on identity categories.

WS 5353.E01 / WS 5353.E50 - Feminist Pedagogies
Seminar Thursday 6-8:50 p.m., MCL Room 501 / Online with synchronous meetings Thursday 6-8:50 p.m.
Feminist philosophies of education and their significance to Women's and Gender Studies; pedagogical strategies for developing critical consciousness about social inequalities; preparation for teaching undergraduate courses in Women's and Gender Studies.

WS 5363.50 - Feminist/Womanist Epistemologies
100% online, synchronous meetings Mon 6-8 p.m. - every other week starting Aug 26.
Feminist, womanist, and indigenous engagements with Cartesian knowledge systems, focusing on recent developments in epistemology/ontology/metaphysics and their potential contributions to social-justice work; investigations of how social, geographical, historical, and bodily location(s) affect knowledge production, consumption, and transformation.

WS 5463.50 - U.S. Women of Colors
100% online asynchronous
Histories, theories, cultures, consciousness, and lives of U.S. women of colors from a variety of perspectives; issues related to conflict, agency, survival, resistance, intervention, and transformation.

WS 6103.50 - New Directions Feminist/Womanist Theory
100% online with Synchronous Meetings Every Other Week Beginning 8/26.
Recent controversies, significant research questions, and new directions in feminist/womanist theorizing. Investigation of recent interventions in Women's and Gender Studies and feminist/womanist theories and theorizing.

Page last updated 10:59 AM, August 23, 2024