Website Colors

The official university Color Palette is mirrored below from our Brand Guidelines section of our Marketing & Communication parent site.

Primary colors

Maroon MUST be the most dominant color in any design where color is permitted. You may use black and/or screen of black to create gray to accent your design. 

Secondary colors may be used to accent the TWU maroon. Omitting the white of the page and black of text and other elements, the remaining colors should be at least 60 percent maroon.

A square of TWU's official maroon in PMS 202

PMS | 202C
CMYK | 9 100 64 48
RGB | 133 9 42
HEX | 850928

A square of TWU's approved white color.

CMYK | 0 0 0 0
RGB | 255 255 255

Secondary colors

A square of TWU's approved amaranth color.

PMS | 7636C
CMYK | 15 100 60 3
RGB | 202 30 80
HEX | CA1E50

A square of TWU's approved eggplant color.

PMS | 518C
CMYK | 68 90 35 24
RGB | 92 49 94
HEX | 5C315E

A square of TWU's approved gold color.

PMS | 458C
CMYK | 13 10 81 0
RGB | 227 211 83
HEX | E3D353

Page last updated 12:50 PM, March 1, 2024