TWU Theatre announces 2022-2023 season
July 18, 2022 – DENTON – Two volunteers in a clinical drug trial for a new antidepressant deal with the ramifications of their newly awakened emotions in The Effect, a play by Lucy Prebble that will open the 2022-23 season of the Texas Woman’s University’s Theatre program.
The Effect tells the story of Connie and Tristan, who wonder if what they're feeling is romantic chemistry or just the drugs. While supervising doctors try to manage the ethical consequences of this clinical trial, we are left asking: “What is love?” The Effect, directed by Noah Lelek, PhD, will be performed at TWU's Redbud Theater October 12-16.
The 2022-23 season will consist of four plays.
TWU will premiere The Children of the Queen’s Writ, written by Steven Young and directed by Patrick Bynane, PhD. The play looks at an obscure 16th century law that permitted the abduction of juveniles for the elite Chapel Choir of St. Paul's, which became the justification for the trafficking of boys in Elizabethan theatre. Young Thomas Clifton is plucked from the streets and forced to perform on the London stage as a woman. Though set in Elizabethan England, The Children of the Queen’s Writ asks tough questions about the exploitation of children through trafficking in today's society. The Children of the Queen’s Writ will run November 16-20.
Bull in a China Shop explores the love between two women at Mount Holyoke College from 1899 to 1937. Written by Bryna Turner and based on the real letters of Mary Wooley and Jeannette Marks, this tender play explores the nature of revolution, being at odds with the world and how to care for the one you love during tumultuous times. Bull in a China Shop has been called “heartbreakingly hilarious and delectable.” Bull in a China Shop will run February 22-26.
TWU’s final show of the season is a mystery musical directed by Steven Young. The play’s title cannot be released due to rights agreement, but throughout the academic year we will be releasing clues and hints. For now, all we can tell you is that “our lips are sealed.” Be prepared for a “vacation” that will make you “get up and go.” Keep an eye on our social media. We will announce the title on January 1. The musical will run for two weekends: April 21-23 and April 28-30.
Tickets for all shows are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Additionally, TWU Theatre offers a pay-what-you-can option available at every Saturday 2 p.m. performance. Face masks are strongly recommended. For a complete schedule and to purchase tickets online visit and click on “Purchase Tickets.” Tickets will also be available at the box office before each performance. For more information call the TWU Box office at (940) 898-2020.
Media Contact
David Pyke
Digital Content Manager
Page last updated 3:30 PM, July 18, 2022