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Google storage changes

In an announcement in 2022, Google notified their education customers that they were changing the rules regarding storage for their Google Workspace for Education product line to no longer include unlimited storage space. Although Google has traditionally offered unlimited storage for free to its education customers, this model has become unsustainable with the rapid acceleration in growth of stored data. Google has shifted from unlimited storage to a pooled storage model for Google Workspace for Education customers.

This shift in strategy by Google means that Texas Woman’s will need to reduce its overall storage consumption across Gmail, Google Drive (both My Drive and Shared Drives), and Google Photos in the twu.edu Google domain.

It is our responsibility to adhere to Records Retention Schedules and manage our files across our shared resources..

If you’re interested in seeing how much storage you’re using with your TWU Google account, or to find out how to reduce your overall storage usage, you can review this knowledge base article.

RingCentral at TWU

A phone, laptop, and mobile devices with the RingCentral logo

Using RingCentral

IT Solutions has created and compiled customized training and resources for TWU faculty and staff to quickly acclimate and discover the features of RingCentral. Faculty and staff should review the following resources:

Page last updated 10:52 AM, November 15, 2024