Voter Information

Our efforts focus on educating students about the importance and logistics of voter registration, the electoral process, and civil discourse regarding different viewpoints on issues during election cycles. During election cycles, we often host voter registration information and provide opportunities to engage in the process. 

Voter Registration in Texas

Simply pick up a voter registration application, fill it out, and mail it at least thirty days before the election date. For more information on voter registration in Texas: 

Voter Eligibility

You are eligible to register to vote if:

  • You are a United States citizen;
  • You are a resident of the county where you submit the application;
  • You are at least seventeen years and ten months old, and you are eighteen years of age on Election Day;
  • You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
  • You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.

Registration Confirmation

Are you already registered? To confirm your voter registration status, you may select one of three methods to perform a search:

  • Your Texas driver’s license number, if you provided it when you
    applied for voter registration;
  • Your Voter Unique Identifier (VUID), which appears on your voter registration certificate;
  • Your first and last name.

Find out if you are registered on the Texas Secretary of State's My Voter portal 

For even more about voter registration and elections in your area, check out from the League of Women Voters or Take the Pledge!

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Page last updated 8:39 AM, September 5, 2024