Meet the Candidates
Executive Board Positions
Gillian Hayes for President
Name: Gillian Hayes
Hometown: Midlothian, Texas
Classification: Junior
Major: Political Science with a minor in English
Previous Involvement on Campus:
Vice President of Internal Affairs - Student Government Association of TWU
Senate Secretary - Texas Woman’s University
President - Indigenous Connection of TWU
Vice President - Turning Point USA at TWU
Treasurer - College Republicans of TWU
Traditions Chair - Student Union Crew of TWU
Founding Member - Country Dance Club of TWU
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I am interested in applying for the president of the Student Government Association because I want to be an advocate and a voice for the students here at Texas Woman's University. I have been able to interact with students through events, classes, and basic conversations. Through my time here, I have gotten to know a wide variety of students at this campus and heard about their different concerns on matters.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
Regarding the SGA team, I would be able to contribute my leadership and compromise skills as the SGA team works to advocate for the Students at TWU-Denton. Moreover, within the president position, leadership is vital to the success of SGA as a whole as it works to build a stronger organization and teamwork within the group. In addition to my leadership, I would be able to contribute my organization and event planning skills. These are skills that I have honed throughout my professional experiences and allow me to have a very creative and analytical mind. Through this, I can understand a wide range of personalities and ideas. Overall, I am very passionate about SGA and what they can do for the students at TWU.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I will contribute to the SGA team by serving as a leader and a teammate. This means that I am willing to make time for commitments such as meetings, events, tabling, and help with the promotion of SGA. We are growing as an organization and I want to contribute in the plan of making SGA be more known, get more students involved, and make the resources that we offer also be known.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
An issue I see on campus that greatly affects students is both the living and parking situation on campus. This is an ever-growing issue and concern of students, as the recent housing and parking situations are going to displace a large number of students who currently live on campus. To address this ever-growing issue in the present, I would want to hold a real open conversation with housing and parking, where students can ask the real questions they have and get real straightforward answers. Something I believe in is transparency in leadership roles, as it helps to promote trust and understanding within the community. I think this is what we need in this situation to help students understand both points of views.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
In terms of improvements made for campus life here at TWU, I feel there needs to be an expansion of the night owls. This expansion should include hours, people, and marketing efforts. Moreover, most students don't know about this service through the library, however, this is a vitally important service as it would help accommodate those students displaced in the parking situation.Name: z
Emily Zandoval Cruz for Executive Vice President
Name: Emily Zandoval Cruz
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Classification: Sophomore
Major: Biology Pre-Med
Previous Involvement on Campus:
2022-2023: SGA First-Year Representative
2023-2024: Resident Assistant at Stark Hall
2023-2024: SGA Chief of Staff
2023-2024: Pioneer Ambassador
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I have been in SGA for the past two school years and I have developed a high interest in student involvement and the development of leadership skills through advocating, listening, and pursuing ways to help people around me. I also have gained a high sense of community through SGA and it has helped me to get more involved with students. I want to help the SGA Senate navigate through different opportunities, events, and serve as a support system for the senators. I also want to be more informed and involved in the learning of different colleges and communities in TWU. I want to continue to grow as an individual and a leader and I highly believe I can keep doing this through the Executive Vice President position.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
I have served as both part of the Senate and Executive Board of SGA and I can ensure that I will fulfill my responsibilities in a timely and organized manner. I also highly believe that I am a good communicator and can work well with others around me. I am willing to help and step up to make decisions and overall make my contribution as a representative of SGA to the TWU community.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I will contribute to the SGA team by serving as a leader and a teammate. This means that I am willing to make time for commitments such as meetings, events, tabling, and help with the promotion of SGA. We are growing as an organization and I want to contribute in the plan of making SGA be more known, get more students involved, and make the resources that we offer also be known.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
An issue that I have seen here on campus is accessibility to students with disabilities. This is mainly seen through the high hills that take you from one building to the other. This means that students who are in need of a wheelchair have to walk around these buildings to be able to find a ramp to get to their destination. This is also associated with how there are still some ramps that need some extra work to get rid of cracks that can be dangerous and can result in hurting someone if they don't see them on time.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
I believe that working on the involvement of commuter students is important. Creating surveys for commuter students to complete the best times for them to attend campus events. This is beneficial to the involvement of TWU students overall, whether it is for a fair or a fun event that is offered by SGA or any other organization.
Antonio (Toni) Tamez for Associate Vice President for Public Relations
Name: Antonio (Toni) Tamez
Hometown: Columbus, Texas
Classification: Sophomore
Major: Family Studies
Previous Involvement on Campus:
I've been working at Center for Student Development for about a year now and I've been a part of SGA for a year. My first semester as an SGA member I was the Professional Education Senator and for the last semester I have been the Associate Vice President of Public Relations. I was the Vice President of Swipe Out Hunger, but I recently resigned from my position. Lastly, I am a Resident Assistant for Parliament Village and I plan to be a Resident Assistant for the 2024-2025 school year!
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I am interested in applying for an SGA position because I want to see an improvement at TWU. Not only in its campus, but in its academics. TWU has the chance to become something amazing with the help of SGA.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
To the student body I can offer someone who is willing to do anything to improve the lives of the student body and is willing to speak up for any issues the student body may have.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I can contribute someone who is communicative, quick to learn and easy to work with.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
An issue that affects TWU students is the accessibility on campus. TWU is not easily accessible to students who are handicapped whether it be in a wheelchair or on
crutches. While all the buildings do have an accessible path it is typically hidden behind the building or is out of the way. Providing a way for students to know where they can go for accessibility like putting signs up or making a path that way it is clear where students can go.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
An improvement that can be made to campus-life is allowing residents more access to the library. I know previously the library would stay open until 2am or 3am. While I'm not suggesting that it should go back to 2am I think that a first step in the right direction would be having the library be open until 12am for all the days of the week.
Cadence McKinney for Associate Vice President for Student Organizations
Name: Cadence McKinney
Hometown: Dawson, Texas
Classification: Sophomore
Major: Mathematics
Previous Involvement on Campus:
I am currently working in the CSD as a Student Assistant. Although I have not been involved in SGA directly, I have served as two different positions in my student org, the Terry Scholar Student Organization: Historian and President.
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I want to be more involved on campus in general, because the org I am currently in is limited to only Terry Scholars. So SGA will allow me to work with more students and be a face on campus.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
With my previous experience as an org officer (Historian/President), I know how a student organization is run, and the responsibilities of an officer, including President. I also know the struggles that student org officers experience, and I want student org officers to be comfortable bringing up their concerns and struggles.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
Since I have been involved in my current organization, I have great communication, organizational, and strategic planning skills. In my current position as President I have to: talk with my advisor and relay messages to the officer team, plan officer meetings, make and present general body meeting slides, and assist other officers in planning for their events throughout the semester.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
One of the issues I experience first hand are the advisors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Also, as a former Orientation Leader who is returning this Summer, there were many students who were unsatisfied with their experiences with the advisors. One of the inconveniences was that the advisor to student ratio isn't balanced making the wait times excessive. Additionally, during the long academic semesters (Fall/Spring) students are unable to schedule an advising appointment within the time frame needed during their corresponding registration date. To solve these issues, we can ask for more advisors in this department, or ask the current advisors to make more openings for academic advising appointments.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
One of the inconveniences when I lived on campus is that the campus is dead on the weekends. A little thing that would have made the weekends more engaging is having an event on the weekends a few times a semester at one of the dorm halls, or having more food options during the weekends as well.
Evelyn Muniz for Associate Vice President of Finance
Name: Evelyn Muniz
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Classification: Junior
Major: Accounting
Previous Involvement on Campus:
Current Employment - Student Assistant at The Pioneer Center For Student Excellence
Previous SGA involvement - Senator for the College of Business for 2 semesters
Campus Involvement - Currently Treasurer for the Accounting and Finance Society; I have been a member since January 2023. In addition, I am also part of the TRiO Classic Program.
I was also part of Pathways to Accessibility for one semester.
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I am interested in the VP of Finance position because I have experience in excel, budgeting, and allocating expenses since I am an accounting major. I am also part of the Finance committee for SGA so I am familiar with the position and the responsibilities it comes with.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
I feel I can offer my team work ethic. I enjoy meeting new people and being able to connect with one another. I feel I can also bring my leadership abilities into SGA in order to shape the community and student development.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I can contribute by actively participating, coming up with new ideas, and influencing others to do the same.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
An issue I see on campus is the lack of knowledge of resources the campus has to offer in order to help students succeed. I feel students should be able to take full advantage of their tools so I want to be able to spread that by hosting events and tabling sessions.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
There could be more opportunities for non-traditional students to be able to get more involved. We can always try to host events like student body meetings virtually, so they have the chance to attend.
Aminat Somuyiwa for Chief of Staff
Name: Aminat Somuyiwa
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Classification: Junior
Major: Kinesiology
Previous Involvement on Campus:
Currently SGA Senator of the college of health science
Adenlate mentor
Former Resident Assistant
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I’m currently in SGA serving as a Senator. I have gained a lot of useful experience and gained enough knowledge to move up in the ranks and become a part of the executive board.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
What I can offer to the student body is ensuring the voice of the people would be heard. Being able to strongly advocate for the needs or issues that students are facing will be my main priority.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
Well as of right serving as a Senator , I’m contributing to SGA by creating events that cater to the needs within our college. For instance, this past semester I and several other health organizations collaborate to have health science fair where we showcase different health sciences organizations we have on campus
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
Increasing student engagement by hosting annual events that attract students to SGA.
Senator Positions
Zoe Ngu for College of Health Sciences Senator
Name: Zoe Ngu
Hometown: Plano, Texas
Classification: Junior
Major: Kinesiology, Pre-OT with a minor in Child Development
Previous Involvement on Campus:
G-Force Mentor (Manager or organizational activities)
Pioneer Ambassador
Pre-OT Club (Secretary, Vice President)
Omicron Delta Kappa (Secretary, Vice President)
Helping Hands Ambassadors
Student Union Programming Crew
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I would love to work with and provide opportunities for students also in my major. I am also interested in making connections with the dean of my school and possibly making a close connection with my co-senator. I want to be able to help students in my major or just be involved at the school to help increase my leadership skills.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
I am in multiple organizations so I would be able to create collabs or offer more opportunities for students and help if people ever have questions. I am creative and love planning events and always have new ideas I want to try. I also would like to think that I am an open person who is willing to help people if they need help with classes, class recommendations, or even just receiving suggestions with the school.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I would bring my peppiness and an attitude to always help. I love being involved and being able to help the school and the student body around me. I hope to be a helpful resource to everyone around me.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
Something I see many people struggle with is parking. Parking has gotten harder this year because of the closure in Parliament. I would address this by making it known that we have buses and free parking around the school. Placing maps or posters to show where students are able to park and the bus schedules so they could find what time they can catch either the shuttle or bus.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
More showcases of unknown organizations. There are organizations I feel aren't able to be as present as some organizations, and it would be amazing to give the opportunities for more organizations to be showcased.
Kamdilichukwu Izundu for College of Nursing Senator
Name: Kamdilichukwu Izundu
Hometown: Cypress, Texas
Classification: First-Year
Major: Pre-nursing
Previous Involvement on Campus:
I work as a Student Engagement Ambassador at the alumni Department at TWU. I held the position of the College of Nursing Senator for academic year 2023-24 I am a member of the Student Union Crew part of the Engagement Chair. I am a member of the pioneer tennis club. I am a member of the Women of G.O.L.D. I am a member of the Helping Hands Service Ambassadors.
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
Aspiring to serve as the College of Nursing Senator, my motivation stems from my desire to establish a strong communication link between Texas Woman's University and the Pre-nursing community. Recognizing the significance of effective communication within any community, I firmly believe that it enhances growth and productivity. By actively contributing to the TWU pre-nursing community, I aim to bring about positive transformations.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
I aim to be the senator who fosters connections, actively listens, and leaves a lasting impact on the TWU pre-nursing community. With community being one of my core values, my goal is to create a strong and enduring pre-nursing community. I will work towards instilling confidence in the voices of my community members. As a senator, it is my responsibility to ensure that my community is well-informed about the SGA and its functionalities. I recognize that solutions can be found through various means, such as taking action, actively listening, and understanding different viewpoints. Inclusivity is a principle that I strongly advocate for, as I believe that there is something for everyone. I aim to be the Senator that, my community can come up and tell me what is going on, how to improve, and give accolades.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I possess valuable skills that would greatly benefit the team, particularly my critical thinking abilities which enable me to swiftly devise solutions to problems. My approach to creativity involves maximizing the potential of available resources. Being goal-oriented, I understand that every organization has a vision, and to realize that vision, it is essential to set and accomplish numerous goals. Additionally, my strong teamwork skills enable me to collaborate effectively with others. Moreover, my people-oriented nature allows me to establish meaningful connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering positive relationships.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
There is an issue of trust in advisors in the pre-nursing community. This lack of trust comes from the advisors unintentionally elongating the pre-nursing program timeline. How I would like to address this by talking to the advisors and proposing that a lab must be offered the first semester of a first-year nursing student. Doing this would ensure the pre-nursing students would be on track and there would be no risk of unintentionally elongating the pre-nursing timeline. I would also offer, that an agreement stating what is required to apply to the upper-division nursing program should be signed at the end of every advising session. This will remove the responsibility of the advisors' taking the blame for not explaining what is required to apply to the upper-division nursing program. This will eliminate the ongoing problem of sophomores not understanding what is required of them to apply to the upper-division nursing program.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
An improvement that could improve the campus life of TWU would be engaging students more. The SGA can help do this as we are the bridge of communication between Texas Woman's University and the Students. On the Denton campus, different events are hosted but less than half of the TWU students population attend the events; Most students stay in their dorms and do not engage. This can be resolved by SGA intervening by taking surveys and publicizing office door hours to help the university and students connect instead of being far apart.
Reen Tahir for College of Arts and Sciences Senator
Name: Reen Tahir
Hometown: Euless, Texas
Classification: First-Year
Major: Biochemistry
Previous Involvement on Campus:
I am currently the SGA first-year representative, MSA PR officer, and a constituent of the Women's thought leadership program
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I have gotten the honor of being able to serve as one of the first-year representatives for the 2023-2024 school year and it has been an eye-opening experience. I have had so many encounters with people all over the campus including administrative officials, students, organization leaders, and so many more individuals with different goals who represent the same passion for making TWU a better place. Having the position of first-year representative has allowed me to get my feet wet with how the school and its student government operates, alongside with learning how to integrate freshman, like me, into the intimidating world of college. If elected, I hope to shift my focus towards my college (CAS) with great ideas and opportunities.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
As a young African Muslim woman, there are a lot of situations I have been put in throughout my life. Navigating life was difficult for me because of all the differences I have in comparison to people around me. I have seen many, like me, who are discouraged from applying and putting forth effort into officer positions like these in fear that they won't be accepted or given the same opportunities as others. I want to be able to break that view. I want the people who look at their differences as insecurities and barriers to be able to believe they can do anything no matter their cultural background, the color of their skin, the language they speak, or their religion. I believe that I offer a different point of view for the student body. I believe that with this point of view, we can widen the scope and cater to even more populations of students at TWU.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
Diversity is a foundational concept here at TWU, and one of the goals for SGA is to make sure every voice is heard. Advocating for not only CAS students but for minority students as well, I can contribute to giving insight into what minority students within my college would like to see. Alongside with diversity, the students in my college are all very driven and passionate about their areas of expertise-- but with drive comes exhaustion and burnout. Having experienced struggle within my major and college just like all of my peers, I am able to cater to what they would like to see from SGA.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
The food options at the dining hall do not cater to all students and are not as healthy as its advertising. I would address it by emailing the head of the dining department in a kind and courteous way with a signed petition of all students who have complaints and concerns.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
Campus life is very saturated and eventful when it comes to getting students together. I think we should conduct an open-ended survey every month on what students would like to see on campus event-wise and choose one idea every month to bring for the students.
Allajah Lee for College of Arts and Sciences Senator
Name: Allajah Lee
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Classification: Senior
Major: Biology (Pre-Med) with a minor in Women Studies
Previous Involvement on Campus:
I work at Blagg-Huey Library, I'm the preident of the Natural Society, Event Coordinator for Women of Gold and I've been in SGA since my Freshman year of college
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I'm interested in the College of Arts & Science Senator position because I love it! 2324 semester was my first year being a senator and I was able to be hands on with the student body, cater to their needs, and know what's going on with the Arts & Science community. I love being able to build connections with the deans and advisors so we can all be on one accord. As a senator I'm able to take care of the problems head on which I enjoy the most. I love being able to plan events to make sure that the arts & science community know that they matter also!
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
My motivation and desire to make SGA the best. SGA would provide me with the tools to help express not only my views, but also my peers as well. I am truly passionate about whatever roles and activities that I assume. I always handle the task at hand to the best of my abilities and willing to give it my all. As well as this, I am able to voice my opinions and viewpoints, which I consider to be one of the most important qualities. I have many ideas for SGA this year that I feel would help make school a more enjoyable place for the entire student body. One of these is to keep school spirit going all year instead of just on spirit week. To make this happen small things must be done, such as working with other big organizations on campus such as Residence Hall Association and Academic Support. We have to ensure that the student body know who are are. When people hear "SGA" they don't who we are or they know us for the Finance Hearings we have to be more than just that.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
Develop positive attitudes and to practice good citizenship. Promote harmonious relations throughout the entire school. Improve student/faculty relationships. Improve school morale. Provide a forum for student expression. Plan special events or projects.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
The parking greatly affects the Students at TWU also. More parking will help the student body especially the commuters. I know parking is something that we can't control but I start a petition. I would encourage the student body to sign it, go to the Chancellor discuss this matter with her, go to the City of Denton and encourage them to grant us with more space so the students will be able to have parking. TWU has become overpopulated and we have to accommodate & make sure that our student body is being well taken care of.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
I feel like there should be more safety on campus. Our campus is OPEN and even though we are a family-based campus we have to make sure that everyone is safe at all times. I think we need a headcount of who's coming to campus, leaving campus, and when visitors are on campus. I fairly believe a security guard should be in the Student Union that's where majority of the students are. I feel like we should pre-caution now before anything happens.
Raya Collier for College of Arts and Sciences Senator
Name: Raya Collier
Hometown: Arlington, Texas
Classification: First-Year
Major: Biology (Pre-Med)
Previous Involvement on Campus:
Student Government Association- First Year Representative
CARE Office- Student Assistant
President's Leadership Scholar- Member
Touchstone Honor's Program- Member
Pioneer Service Scholar's- Member
Athenian Honor Society- Member
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I am interested in becoming the Arts and Science Senator because it is my academic college and I am eager to contribute to its growth and visibility. Specifically, I would like to enhance resources and support for students pursuing pre-health careers, drawing from my own aspirations as a pre-dental student. I am committed to addressing student concerns within the college, ensuring a positive and enriching experience for everyone.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
I bring strong leadership qualities and a commitment to advocating for the needs and concerns of the student body. I am dedicated to being a voice for our collective interests, working tirelessly to address and resolve issues. I will ensure that every student's concerns are heard, creating positive and inclusive campus environment.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I can contribute to the SGA team by bringing forward innovative ideas aimed at enhancing the organization's effectiveness. I am also committed to encouraging more student engagement by working to keep the student body informed about the organization's activities and encouraging their active participation.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
The lack of parking spaces at TWU is a major issue causing frustration among students. I aim to address this by emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balance between new construction projects and sufficient parking availability. Through open communication with the university administration, I will work to prioritize the parking concerns of the student body.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
One significant area for improvement on campus is the dining hall. The lack of diverse dietary options, especially for those with restrictions like halal diets, is important given the financial investment students make in their meal plans. Also, enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of the financial aid department should be a priority, as it can be challenging for students to get timely assistance and support when needed.
Aissatou Barry for Commuter Senator
Name: Aissatou Barry
Hometown: McKinney, Texas
Classification: First-Year
Major: Pre-nursing
Previous Involvement on Campus:
President's Leadership Council
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I feel inclined to pursue the commuter senator position because I want to bridge the gap between the commuter population and on-campus living. The community-like feel of living on campus should be translated to the aspect of commuting. It will be very rewarding to see the hopes and ideas I have for those that I am serving come to fruition.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
I will offer my time, and I will consider the insight of the population of whom I am serving. With my efforts, I wish to advocate for the student body by encouraging others to offer critique and ideas. Through this process of co-creating, I hope to amplify suppressed voices.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I will be an asset to the SGA team because I do well when co-creating, as in piggybacking from ideas and thriving off of input. In addition, I am enthusiastic about the work that I do, and I carry that attitude with me because I want to put out into the world what I want to receive. Also, I wish to inspire and empower my team members to strive for excellence.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
The 2024-25 housing policies affect students who are not bound by the residency requirement. Such a big influx of new residents being accepted to the Denton Campus for the 2024-25 school year, are causing students who have exceeded the 60-credit hour residency requirement to leave. These individuals who are not bound by the residency requirements, face challenges with commuting to the Denton Campus. I want to propose an initiative aimed at enhancing the commuter experience. This initiative seeks to make transportation more convenient and foster a stronger sense of community by making commuters feel like valued members of TWU.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
Currently, there is a noticeable disparity in the emphasis placed on housing and campus life, compared to the attention given to TWU’s commuter population. Perhaps we can be cognizant of the way in which we advertise or school so that various populations feel represented. To address the transportation issue, I propose the concept of a transport system that goes from places within three miles of TWU.
Kaelah Ngame for Non-Traditional Senator
Name: Kaelah Ngame
Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas
Classification: First-Year
Major: Biology (Pre-Med)
Previous Involvement on Campus:
I am the historian for the tennis club and I work at Walgreens as a Pharmacy Technician.
Why are you interested in the SGA position you are applying for?
I always wanted to find more ways to represent the underrepresented. My mom went to college when she was 41 to fulfill her nursing degree while managing three kids and a husband. I wanted the best for her since she was juggling so much for our family. A lot of students here at TWU may be going through the same issue, so I want to be able to help them so they can succeed.
What do you have to offer the student body by becoming an officer or member of the Student Government Association?
By becoming an officer in SGA, I will offer my strengths which are time management, multi-tasking, and hard-working as well.
How would you contribute to the SGA team?
I will contribute by putting in my time and my personal experience with someone who was a non-traditional student.
What is an issue here on campus you see that greatly affects the Students at TWU, and how would you address it?
An issue that I believe that a lot of TWU students are affected by is that a lot of students don't realize how much this university offers. There are a lot of amenities such as the write-site, SLRC, and the math lab that some non-traditional students can attend to help understand classes. I will address this issue at the beginning of the semester, in the student union since a lot of students are often passing through and also in the shared Snapchat story.
What improvements do you see could be made to campus-life here at TWU?
I would like to see some improvements to the dining hall since there aren't many halal-friendly foods or gluten-free options. I would also think that there should be more events targeted at non-traditional students as well.
Page last updated 8:45 AM, July 9, 2024