TWU campus with a student sitting on a bench beneath a tree
“Community Begins with Me”

Staff Council

About us

The Staff Council is organized to foster a spirit of unified community among staff members of Texas Woman’s University and to provide opportunities for their democratic representation. The goal of Staff Council is to promote a positive and collaborative work environment. Our purposes are to serve as a representative advisory council; provide a vehicle for communication of staff interests, concerns, & issues; present recommendations to University leadership; and promote positive morale among TWU staff.

What we do

  • Promote a sense of belonging and community
  • Celebrate and offer recognition managing the Feyten-Wick Champion Awards
  • Promote and sponsor professional development
  • An information conduit between leadership and staff
  • Organize social and informative events
  • Invite speakers to our meetings that help us learn about staff and TWU departments/ benefits
Staff Council Professional Development Grant. Grants have been offered since 2016. Look for upcoming enhancements to the Professional Development Grant when it returns in September 2024. Questions about the grant, contact the SC Professional Development Coordinator-Karen York - or staff
We are an information conduit about staff council events and campus events
We offer recognition. Appointed to manage the Feyten-Wick Health & Wellbeing Champion Awards. The award recognizes contributions to the wellbeing of the TWU community with 2 endowed cash gifts and unique staff-focused awards.
Welcome Back staff event, August 2023
Welcome Back Staff Event August 2023, Dallas and Houston campuses
Welcome Back Staff Event August 2022 - Jane Nelson Institute for Women in Leadership’s Offers Staff a Sneak Peak of Susan S. Bancroft Leadership Hall
Meeting with Chancellor Feyten, October 6 2023
Winter Warm-Up event with Chancellor Feyten. Q and A session on the new Strategic Plan
Staff Appreciation event on the Denton campus. Staff come together for some laughs, treats, and swag. Attendees had the option of getting a complimentary poster made of them.
Staff Appreciation event on the Dallas and Houston campuses. Staff come together for some laughs, treats, and swag.

Download the full slideshow in PowerPoint

Staff Council Constitution & Bylaws (07.13.2023) [Google Doc, TWU Portal login required]

Ways to stay connected

There are multiple ways to find out how Staff Council is working for you and TWU.

  • The form Let your voice be heard! can be used to send the Council general questions, requests, or suggestions.
  • Staff Council members can be contacted directly anytime with questions or concerns, or send an email to
  • Periodic staff emails will be sent by Staff Council to keep you informed of upcoming events, socials, and issues.
  • Staff Council Town Hall meetings are generally held on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 10:00 a.m. The meetings are held via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to staff emails prior to the meeting. All TWU Staff are welcome to attend these meetings.

Unable to attend a meeting?

View previous Town Hall videos or review the Town Hall minutes!


The Executive Staff approved the Constitution and Bylaws of the Staff Council of Texas Woman’s University in mid-1999. A Steering Committee of 14 longtime staff members from components across the University at the Denton, Dallas and Houston campuses worked for three years to formulate the Constitution and Bylaws. Steering Committee members were Jim Stiles, Patrick Vasquez, Sharon Saullo, Joe Lyle, Vicki Ratcliff, Amy Hall, Don Viator, Katie Flemming, Helene Bonavita, Mary Ramsey, Laurie Hammett, Lori Nelson, Mary Ann McDuff and Ann Hatch.

Human Resources was asked by Interim President Beverley Byers-Pevitts to coordinate the first Staff Council elections. TWU’s first Staff Council held its first meeting on September 29, 1999. Its first order of business was to elect officers and establish the standing committees.

Page last updated 4:40 PM, December 6, 2024