BS in Sociology (Social Inequality)
On-campus, online and hybrid options
Sociologists study social interactions, groups and institutions, both within and across societies. As they work to understand social structures and social change, sociologists investigate issues of human rights, inequality and social justice.
Why sociology at TWU?
Hear from our alumni
“One of the first things I learned in my undergraduate coursework was that to have any chance of solving a problem we must first understand it, including why it happens and what works and doesn’t work in terms of policies and practices.
My sociology degree laid the groundwork for my future career as a university professor by providing an academic way to understand the social problems affecting the nation. My undergraduate degree from TWU provided me with a set of essential skills that have proven helpful in my career such as critical thinking, the ability to understand and use scholarly research, and how data can help bridge the gap from what we learn in the classroom to the policies and practices that we use in the real world.”
-William Ash-Houchen (BS '13), Assistant Professor of Social Justice and Criminology at Delta State University in Mississippi
Contact us
Noor Jafri
Academic Advisor I
Phone: 940-898-3328
Page last updated 3:01 PM, September 27, 2024