BS in Sociology
On-campus, online and hybrid options
Sociologists study social interactions, groups and institutions, both within and across societies. As they work to understand social structures and social change, sociologists investigate issues of human rights, inequality and social justice.
Why sociology at TWU?
Hear from our alumni
“Through the department’s undergraduate research initiative, I had the opportunity to work one-on-one with an expert researcher to gain for-credit experience with planning and executing a research project. In regards to both my research project and standard coursework, professors have gone out of their way to meet with me during weekends and holiday breaks. I truly could not have asked for better professors, advisers and mentors than those I found in the Department of Sociology.”
-Morgan Villavaso (BS '19), Legal Assistant and recipient of the Fulbright US Student Program grant.
Contact us
Noor Jafri
Academic Advisor I
Phone: 940-898-3328
Page last updated 11:14 AM, January 30, 2025