Research continues on Community Health Connections
Community Health Connections (CHC) is a research project coordinated by Principal Investigator Carol Perryman, PhD, and Co-PI Kerol Harrod. The research project consists of a five-part webinar series on community health assessment, consumer health information resources and technology, and consult with libraries in developing mobile exhibits for promoting community health among the 30 communities in Texas.
This project is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services as part of TWU SLIS Transforming Libraries into Community Anchors in Rural Texas (TLCART) project. The implementation program will be organized and facilitated by TLCART project personnel, Ling Hwey Jeng, PhD, and Perryman, as well as Harrod, who will design and lead marketing activities of individual libraries.
Using the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) public library directory, 30 libraries in small, rural areas of Texas are being selected for this dissemination program. A staff representative from each library will participate in the workshop and marketing activities.
Libraries in communities with population no more than 25,000 will be prioritized for participation. There is no required education level for participating staff, as long as their job responsibilities include direct engagement with the community. As a condition of participation, library staff will agree to:
- Attend all sessions
- Collaborate with other participants to explore
- Discuss resources during sessions
- Create a promotional campaign to advocate health information resources and services during the course of the program
Participants will be prepared to support community members’ consumer health questions and to market consumer health services and programs. Resources, including those freely available on the Web and through libraries’ accredited or affiliate status with the Texas State Library & Archives Commission (TSLAC) heavily featured in training, expanding their reach and effectiveness, and enlarging upon the effective services of rural library staff at a time when consumer health information is of utmost importance.
Sessions will be recorded for potential broader dissemination. Some featured speakers include:
- Sarah Fullwood is the former marketing and outreach coordinator for the Denton Public Library (currently working as digital strategies coordinator for the City of Denton).
- Dianne Connery is the Pottsboro Area Public Library Director. She leads efforts in telehealth and was recognized this year as a Library Journal mover and shaker, due to her work on digital equity and digital literacy in rural libraries.
- Gwin Grimes is the Jeff Davis County Library Director and the cofounder of the Mobile Comunidad.
- Noah Lenstra, PhD, is an associate professor at the University of South Carolina at Greensboro Library School and has made a name for himself as founder of Let's Move in Libraries, an international initiative. Lenstra contributes columns to Public Libraries Online about how to increase physical activity through libraries.
Page last updated 3:51 PM, December 8, 2021