Hyuk-Jin Lee, PhD
Associate Professor
Office: SH 414
Phone: 940-898-2187
PhD, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Library and Information Science
Research Interests
Information theory; information retrieval; multimedia retrieval; cultural heritage study.
Hyuk-Jin Lee, associate professor, joined the School of Information and Library Studies at Texas Woman’s University in 2005. He received his M.A. in Information Science from University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1999. He received his doctoral degree in the School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies (SCILS) at Rutgers University and a Cognitive Science Certificate at Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Science in 2006. He has taught Information Retrieval and Organization, Research Methods, Web Development, and more at TWU. His research interests are in the area of information theory, information retrieval including multimedia retrieval, cultural heritage study including digitization projects, and national identity and image studies.
Selected Publications
Lee. H. J., Joo H. Y., & Lee. S. M. (2020). Encyclopedia of Traditional Korean Monsters and Ghosts, the 3rd vol.
Lee. H. J., Joo H. Y., & Lee. S. M. (2019). Encyclopedia of traditional Korean monsters, the 2nd vol.
Article (Journal and Proceedings)
Lee, H. J. (2023). Discourse on Dokkaebi horns and a consideration on the direction of Korean studies. The Journal of Korean Studies, 85, p. 89-132
Lee, H. J. (2022). Phenomenological approach on the role of sonic heritage as an intangible heritage. Europub Journal of Social Sciences Research, 3(1)
Lee, H. J. (2019). The impact of visual media on social cognitive concept: The case of cultural object Ru. Virtual Archaeology Review 10(21), p. 80-89.
Lee, H. J. (2017). Phenomenological classification of cultural heritage: role of virtual reality. Virtual Archaeology Review, 8 (16), p. 69-74.
Lee, H. J. (2016). The role of virtual architecture: Phenomenological perspective. In J.L. Lerma & M. Cabrelles (Eds.), Proceedings of the ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 –8th International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation (pp. 298–301). Valencia, Spain. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2016.4479
Lee, H. J. (2016). New information behavior model: Life paradigm based. Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science, 27(1), p.217- 235.
Hill, V. & Lee, H. J. (2015). Now and Future of Virtual Libraries and Education in Second Life based on Diffusion Theory. The International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies,13(3), p.33-47
Lee, H. J. (2013). Lost memory and identity: philosophical consideration of Korean built heritages. In 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (pp. 21–28). Marseille, France. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2013.6744725
Lee, H. J. (2012). New paradigm of information theory: Life information theory paradigm. Proceeding presentation at 2012 Annual meeting of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Nov. 15-16, 2012. (pp. 9- 27).
Presentations (Panel and Poster)
Lee, H. J. (2024) Proposal for a Monster Village in Namsan Mountain, Seoul: Significance from a Phenomenological Perspective. International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Tourism (ICCHT 2024: XVIII), Houston, USA, October 24-25, 2024.
Lee, H. J. (2023) Emphasis on difference: Ethnic and national cultural heritage identities and issues in East Asia focusing on Korea cases. International Conference on Cultural Heritage (ICCH 2023). Los Angeles, USA, October 30-31, 2023.
Lee, H. J. (2023). Phenomenological analysis of sonic heritage and the role of Virtual Reality. Digital Research in Humanities and Art Conference 2023, Turin, Italy, September 11-13, 2023.
Lee, H. J. (2018). The impact of physical object and visual image on social cognitive concept on cultural heritage. Digital HERITAGE 2018 New Realities: Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age, 3rd International Congress & Expo, San Francisco, USA, October 26-30, 2018.
Lee, H. J. (2016). The role of virtual architecture, ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0, 8th International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain, September 5-7, 2016.
Hill, V. & Lee, H. J. (2015). Now and Future of Virtual Libraries and Education in Second Life based on Diffusion Theory, The Humanities Conference 2015, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-19, 2015.
Lee, H. J. (2014). Image of Korea in terms of cultural aspect: the missing link between national image and built heritages. 9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vancouver, Canada, June 11-13, 2014.
Lee, H. J. (2013). Lost memory and identity: Philosophical consideration of Korean built heritages. Digital Heritage International Congress 2013, Marseille, France, Oct. 28- Nov. 1, 2013. (Full paper presentation).
Lee, H. J. (2012). New paradigm of information theory: Life information theory paradigm. Annual meeting of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Nov. 15-16, 2012.
Lee, H. J. (2012). Sustaining Digital Heritages in Korea: the status and suggestions. The Preservation Research Exchange (PREx) 2012, Austin, TX, Feb. 17- 19, 2012.
Page last updated 12:32 PM, February 7, 2025